The Boss Of Yalsa Boutique Aceh, A Suspicious Investment Of Rp.164 Billion Shut His Mouth, PPATK Intervened

BANDA ACEH - Polda Aceh is collaborating with the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) to trace the flow of suspected fraudulent investment funds with a value of up to Rp164 billion.

"We have been working with PPATK to trace the flow of investment money made by the two suspects," said Director of Special Criminal Investigation of the Aceh Police, Kombes Margiyanta in Banda Aceh, quoted by Antara, Thursday, April 1.

The two suspects for the Rp164 billion fraudulent investment are the husband and wife of the owner of Yalsa Boutique. This boutique is a Muslim clothing sales convection business.

According to Kombes Margiyanta, the involvement of the PPATK was because the two suspects were still covering up where the investment money went. It is hoped that the PPATK investigation will reveal the use of cash flows.

"We will also send a team to Surabaya, East Java, to trace the assets of the two suspects. The information is that the suspect used investment money to buy property in Surabaya," said Kombes Margiyanta.

Regarding the suspension of detention, Kombes Margiyanta said that his party had received a request for a suspension of detention. The application is still being considered.

"Suspension of detention is the right of both the investigator and the suspect. We are still considering the suspension of detention. Moreover, the investigation of this case is still not maximal," he continued.

Previously, investigators from the Aceh Regional Police's Special Criminal Investigation Directorate detained two suspects that an investment of Rp164 billion was suspected to have been made by the owner of the Yalsa Boutique company.

Head of Sub-Directorate 2 of Banking, Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation at Polda Aceh AKBP of the two detained suspects with the initials S (30) and SHA (31). Both are owners of Yalsa Boutique.

"The detention was carried out based on the results of the investigators' investigation. From the results of the investigation, it was found that there were more two pieces of evidence and witnesses against the alleged banking crime committed by the two suspects," said Margiyanta.

In addition to evidence, investigators obtain expert witness testimony from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and the banking sector, so that it fulfills the elements based on Article 184 of the Criminal Procedure Code.