Fuel Stock Resilience Confirmed Safe During Pilkada In Papua

JAKARTA - PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Papua Maluku ensures the resilience of fuel oil stocks (BBM) in Papua. Especially, during the 2024 Regional Head Election period (Pilkada). This is so that people are not worried.

Integrated Terminal Manager (IT) Jayapura Yohanis Rony said based on monitoring, fuel and LPG stocks in the Papua region were in a safe condition.

"Where is the stock as of September, the resilience is 15 days of avtur type, then 15 days of kerosene, then 13 days of diesel, 22 days of Pertamax, 11 days of pertalite and 140 days of LPG," he said, quoting Antara.

According to Yohanis, because this is the responsibility of the BUMN, his party will continue to ensure that the fuel distribution process runs smoothly.

"We ensure that Pertamina's fuel and LPG stocks remain safe, carrying out various preparations ranging from operations to infrastructure so that services to the community remain optimal," he said.

He explained that such as operational readiness, for example, this fuel carrier continues to rotate, with the largest supply point in Wayame (Ambon) where his party monitors online the location of the last ship.

"If there are obstacles, we always prepare the closest replacement ship to immediately send fuel," he said.

He added that as well as supply to gas stations, none of them were critical, all were safe, and for operations around the Pertamina gas station area, efforts to smooth it.