How To Prevent LinkedIn Accounts From Appearing On Google, Here's The Settings

YOGYAKARTA - When creating a LinkedIn account, usually our account will also appear in Google searches. This is very helpful so that our profile can be more easily found by others. But some people don't want LinkedIn accounts to appear on Google.

Not all LinkedIn users want their accounts to appear in searches on Google. The reason is usually because of privacy or personal preferences from users. So some people are more comfortable limiting public access to their LinkedIn profiles.

However, there are still many LinkedIn users who don't know how to keep their accounts from coming out on search engines. If you are one of them, let's learn how so that LinkedIn accounts don't appear on Google with the guidelines below.

There are several steps you can take to set the visibility or LinkedIn profile access on search engines like Google. For those of you who want to limit it, here's how to prevent LinkedIn accounts from appearing in Google search engines.

The first step you can do is disable your public profile visibility. The public profile on LinkedIn is your profile version seen by people who don't log into LinkedIn accounts or who don't have a connection with you on that platform. This profile version is usually indexed by Google.

Here are the steps to disable your public profile:

By disabling this public profile visibility, your profile will no longer appear on search engines like Google. Others will only be able to view your LinkedIn profile if they log into their LinkedIn account and already have a connection or direct access to your profile.

If you don't want to disable the public profile completely but still want to limit the information that appears in the search engine, you can choose to hide some of the information from your public profile.

To hide some of your LinkedIn profile information, follow the following steps:

Thus, although your profile can still be found in search engines, certain personal or professional information that you choose not to display will not be visible to the public.

Apart from disabling public profiles, you can also set how much information your profile can be seen by others. You can set so that only your connection can see your full profile.

Here are the steps you have to take to set them up:

This option not only helps you maintain privacy while browsing LinkedIn, but also minimizes information that people outside your network can see.

Those are some ways so that LinkedIn accounts don't appear on Google. If you want to maintain privacy and prevent your LinkedIn profile from appearing in the search engine, try to do the steps above. Also read how to create an interesting LinkedIn profile.

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