Many Incentives Are Overdue, The Ministry Of Health Is Now Direct Transfers To Accounts Of Health Workers

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health issued a new regulation regarding incentives for health workers who handle COVID-19.

This is stated in the Decree of the Minister of Health (KMK) Number HK.01.07/MENKES/4239/2021.

Head of the PPSDM Health Agency, The Ministry of Health Kirana Pritasari said, the new regulation in this KMK is that incentives will be sent directly to health workers' accounts.

"With the issuance of this Ministry of Health regulation, we at PPSDM will try to immediately speed up the payment process", said Kirana in his statement, Thursday, April 1.

This policy, said Kirana, can minimize the incentive arrears for health workers as happened in 2020. This is because this effort can avoid potential levies or cuts in the provision of health workers.

The Ministry of Health can also monitor the delay in depositing incentives if it is sent directly to the health worker account.

Kirana said, in April this proposal could be submitted as soon as possible so that incentives and compensation for 2021 could be paid immediately.

Meanwhile, for the 2020 arrears, a review process is being carried out by the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP), so that it can be paid later.

"We hope that the communication that has been built so far, we improve the coordination that has occurred. Health facilities that handle COVID-19 are also expected to report periodically about the receipt of this incentive fund for health workers so that we can monitor together to avoid delays in the payment of incentives for health workers", he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Legal and Organizational Bureau, Ministry of Health Sundoyo said, the formation of KMK Number HK.01.07/MENKES/4239/2021 was based on recommendations from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and BPKP.

"Friends of the KPK from the BPKP have conducted field observations and the results of research, the results of monitoring and evaluation, the results of these observations are conveyed to the Minister of Health. So that there are several improvements, some improvements to KMK, one of which is input from BPKP as auditors and KPK", said Sundoyo.