When Ideal Age For Children To Learn Foreign Language? This Is The Answer From The Research Results Of Experts

YOGYAKARTA - Learning a foreign language is a very useful expertise in a world that is increasingly connected globally. Many parents and educators wonder when is the best time for their children to start learning foreign languages so that the process is more efficient and natural.

Some experts recommend that children must start early, while others believe that starting at an older age also has advantages. In this article, we will regulate various perspectives regarding the ideal age of children to learn foreign languages, factors that influence, and the benefits of learning foreign languages from an early age.

Many studies show that children have extraordinary skills in learning new languages from an early age. Basically, children's childhood, especially before the age of 7, is often said to be gold age (critical period) for language learning. Throughout this period, children's brains are more plastic and flexible, so they can absorb language information more easily than adults. Children who learn foreign languages at an early age can often reach pronunciations and intonations that are very close to original speakers, something that is more difficult for older students to achieve.

The main aspect that supports children's expertise in learning language at an early age is their brains that are still growing and continue to form new neural connections. At an early age, children tend to have a large curiosity and are not worried about making mistakes, which allows them to adapt more quickly to new languages without psychological burdens or shame.

Benefits Of Learning Foreign Languages At An Early Age

Learning foreign languages from an early age has many benefits. One of the most significant advantages is the increase in cognitive expertise. Research shows that children who are bilingual or learn second languages are better in solving problems, multitasking, and making decisions. They also show greater creativity because their brains are used to switching between 2 different language systems.

Another benefit of learning foreign languages from an early age is better social and cultural abilities. Children who are accustomed to foreign languages from childhood are easier to master other cultures, which in conclusion form them to become more open and tolerant of differences. Not only that, having foreign language skills from a young age provides benefits in the future, both in the world of education and work.

Learning Foreign Languages At School Age: Communicative And Academic Benefits

Although learning foreign languages at an early age has many advantages, starting at elementary or middle school age can also be useful. At this age, children generally have a stronger understanding of their mother tongue, which can help them master the concept of grammar and vocabulary in foreign languages better.

At school age, children are also better prepared academically. They have the ability to focus longer and use more complex learning strategies, such as memorizing, compiling sentences, and recognizing grammar rules. Not only that, children at school age generally have the opportunity to formally pursue foreign languages in schools with the help of experienced teachers.

Children who start learning foreign languages at school can still reach a high level of feasibility, especially if they continue to expose themselves to the language through continuous training, both in class and in everyday situations.

Learning Foreign Languages In Youth And Adult Periods

Learning foreign languages is not limited to just children's time. Although children are easier to absorb language, adults and teenagers can also learn foreign languages successfully. Moreover, they may have advantages in terms of understanding better environmental grammar rules and better analytical thinking skills.

Young people and adults are often more motivated because they master the importance of foreign languages for their professional or academic lives. Although they may not achieve efficacy in terms of pronunciation or intonation as good as small children, adults can still learn foreign languages effectively through more structured procedures, such as language courses, applications, and intensive practice.

Environmental And Exposur Factors

One of the key factors in the success of learning foreign languages, regardless of the age of children, is exposure and the environment. Children who develop in a bilingual environment, for example, are easier to learn 2 languages simultaneously because they are exposed to both languages naturally in everyday life. Likewise, if parents speak foreign languages at home or if children have regular access to content in foreign languages (Books, TV shows, or applications), they are more likely to learn the language quickly.

Schools that support foreign language learning programs from an early age also play an important position. Structured and supported education with sufficient resources allows children to learn language with an exciting and efficient method.

So that learning foreign language for children can be easier to have this reference: 3 Websites for Learning Foreign Languages, Free and Worth Trying

So after knowing when the ideal age of children is learning a foreign language, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!