Mount Merapi Vomits 11 Fall Of Lava 1800 Meters Monday Morning

SLEMAN - Volcanic activity of Mount Merapi shows a fairly high intensity in the past week. Since Monday, September 30 in the morning until this morning, Merapi was observed removing 11 lava avalanches to the southwest (Kali Bebeng).

The Geological Disaster Technology Research and Development Center (BPPTKG) stated that visually the mountain was clearly visible, the smoke from the weak pressure crater was observed to be white with a thin intensity and a height of 25 m above the crater peak.

"11 lava avalanches were observed to the southwest (Kali Bebeng) with a maximum sliding distance of 1,800 meters," said BPPTKG in its official statement.

BPPTKG said the current potential danger is in the form of lava avalanches and hot clouds in the south-southwest sector covering the Boyong River for a maximum of 5 kilometers, the Bedog River, Krasak, Bebeng for a maximum of 7 kilometers. The southeast sector covers the Woro River for a maximum of 3 kilometers and the Gendol River 5 kilometers.

Meanwhile, the ejection of volcanic material in the event of an explosive eruption can reach a radius of 3 kilometers from the summit. Monitoring data shows that magma supply is still ongoing which can trigger hot clouds of avalanches within potential hazard areas.

"For this reason, the public is advised not to carry out any activities in areas of potential danger and be aware of the dangers of lava and hot clouds falling (APG), especially when it rains around Mount Merapi," he continued.

The public is also asked to anticipate disturbances caused by volcanic ash from the eruption of Mount Merapi and if there is a significant change in activity, the level of activity of Mount Merapi will soon be reviewed.