Polda Metro Masih Buru Dalang Attack On Discussion Event At Hotel Kemang

Polda Metro Jaya is still hunting for the mastermind behind the persecution and destruction cases carried out by a group of people at a public discussion event at the Grand Kemang Hotel, South Jakarta last weekend.

The Profession and Security Division of the Polda Metro Jaya will also examine all personnel on duty at the location to ascertain whether there are violations of the code of ethics during security.

Two people with the initials FEK and GW have been named suspects. Both were arrested in two different locations in the Rawamangun area, East Jakarta. FEK acted as field coordinator, while GW infiltrated the national discussion room and carried out acts of vandalism.

In addition, three other people who were also detained are still undergoing intensive examination to ensure their involvement in the acts of persecution and destruction.

Deputy Chief of Metro Jaya Police Brigadier General Djati Wiyoto Century said that apart from arresting the perpetrators, his party was also trying to catch the mastermind behind the incident to find out the real motive.

Of the five people we have secured, each has a different role. FEK is the field coordinator, and GW conducts damage in the room. Then, JJ went inside, dissolved the event and revoked the existing billboards. Then GW, in addition to destroying, also disbanded the event. Finally, MDM, which played the same role as destroying and disbanding in the building," said Djati Wiyoto Century last Sunday.

Previously, a group of people forcibly stopped the national discussion at the Grand Kemang Hotel, South Jakarta. In this incident, two security officers and one police officer dressed as thugs were abused by the group.