Starting To Be Crowded, Pekanbaru Industry And Trade Department Will Arrange Night Culinary Street Vendors On Jalan Cut Nyak Dien

PEKANBARU - Pekanbaru City Industry and Trade Office, Riau Province, organizes street vendors (PKL) night selling on Jalan Cut Nyak Dien, Pekanbaru City. This culinary location is starting to get busy.

Head of Pekanbaru City Industry and Trade Agency, Zulhelmi Arifin, said that so far the night culinary traders there have been managed by community organizations (ormas) and also Community Empowerment Institutions (LPM). Meanwhile, there is no regional income yet.

"We arrange the traders, we organize the location, we maximize its use. So far, the management of street vendors has not contributed anything to the government. This means that there are no levies or taxes entering the government," said Zulhelmi Arifin in Pekanbaru, Antara, Sunday, September 29.

According to him, structuring is needed in order to improve the economy of the people in Pekanbaru City.

The arrangement plan refers to the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 41 of 2015 which regulates in detail related to the arrangement and supervision of street vendors.

"In general, there will be three things that we have to do in the arrangement. First, we will collect the PKL data for later registration, we will register and then we will carry out coaching," he explained.

For the arrangement of the area, he continued, there are also roads that are allowed to sell and some are not allowed to sell. Even the parking area for visitor vehicles will also be arranged to make it look neat and can be a tourist attraction.

In addition to the Pekanbaru City Industry and Trade Department, he said, later there will also be several regional apparatus organizations and vertical agencies that will also help the process of structuring the area. The goal is that the area can later be managed, managed and utilized optimally.