Entering Senayan, Denny Cagur Wants To Focus On Fixing The Education And Art Sector

JAKARTA - Candidates for legislative members elected in the Election of DPR RI Member Denny Wahyudi (Denny Cagur) want to focus on fixing the field of education and art if they start serving as representatives of the people on October 1.

So far, said Denny Cagur, many people in the Electoral Area (Dapil) of West Java II have complained about the current world of education.

"What I get is information in the electoral district that many people are constrained in the field of education, such as in schools, related to scholarships, and honorary teacher problems," said Denny in Jakarta, Antara, Sunday, September 29.

According to him, the field of education is one of the fields that is in accordance with his educational background as an education graduate. Therefore, he hopes to devote himself to dealing with problems in the sector.

"Yes, I also don't know how much I want to be assigned to the commission, only those who are concerned or worried about me in education and that is in Commission X," said the famous comedian or comedian. Apart from education, he said, related to art has also become his interest in being addressed.

Problems such as copyright royalties regulations that are just, the development of the world of comedy, and culture and dreams about the existence of a national comedy day are the aspirations that Denny gets from art workers or colleagues.

Even so, apart from those two focuses, he also wants to fix many other sectors, ranging from health, road infrastructure, to the environment.

"However, of course, the top priority above all is aspirations related to the problems that are often encountered in my electoral district," said the politician from the Indonesian Democratic Party (PDI) of Struggle.

Meanwhile, before being inaugurated as a member of the council on October 1, the candidate for people's representatives first participated in the National Values Establishment for Elected DPR Candidates for the 2024 '2029 Period in Jakarta and Bogor for 8 days, from September 21 to 29, 2024.

This activity is a collaboration between the National Resilience Institute (Lemhannas) and the General Elections Commission (KPU) of the Republic of Indonesia to fill the heads of elected legislative candidates related to national insight, as well as understanding the main tasks and functions as state officials.

The number of participants who took part in the agenda was 271 people, consisting of candidates for members of the DPR and the DPD RI who were elected. For members of the council who have participated, they are not required to join again. The total participants are divided into Class I and II with 92 people each, and Navy III 89 participants.