BSI Consumer Financing Grows 15.91 Percent In The Second Quarter Of 2024

JAKARTA - PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk (BSI) noted that the growth in consumer financing was 15.91 percent on an annual basis (yoy) or reached IDR 140 trillion in the second quarter of 2024.

The consumer financing is dominated by BSI Griya financing.

"The public's interest in financing Syariah mortgages in BSI grew positively. The public interest is quite enthusiastic about applying for BSI Griya financing, the primary portfolio (new house) dominates BSI Griya financing of more than 50 percent, followed by the secondary market," said BSI Sales & Distribution Director Anton Sukarna quoting Antara.

In addition, people who migrate their mortgages to Sharia Banks through BSI Griya Hijrah will begin to increase in 2024.

Anton assessed that this shows indirectly that public awareness of Islamic financing has increased.

BSI Griya financing is dominated by average house sales at a price of Rp. 500 million and above with the segment of employees, professionals and entrepreneurs who purchase the first house.

This is also one of BSI's strategies in maintaining healthy financing quality.

Anton added that the distribution of BSI Griya financing considers various aspects, namely healthy and quality financing while still paying attention to good corporate governance (GCG).

"To minimize risks, BSI Griya focuses on existing payroll customers who have the potential for financing, which currently reaches 1.1 million customers," he explained.

In addition, BSI Griya with the dominance of Primary Market collaborates with developers who are well-recorded with the quality of the building being maintained.

Proven by fast business expansion, BSI is able to maintain healthy financing and sustainable business growth with controlled risk mitigation which is reflected in the quality of BSI Griya financing or non-performing financing (NPF) of 2.26 percent.