4 History Tourism Remembering G30S/PKI In Jakarta, Let's Napak Tilas!

YOGYAKARTA Jakarta Special Region (DKJ) has four locations that are silent witnesses to the September 30th Movement of the Indonesian Communist Party (G30S/PKI). Check out historical tourism in memory of the G30S PKI in Jakarta in the following review.

The G30S/PKI rebellion which is commemorated every September 30 every year refers to the PKI rebellion movement on September 30, 1965, which claimed the lives of high-ranking military officials.

This tragedy, which is also commonly called the September 33 (Gestapu) Movement, is regularly remembered every year.

Apart from the controversy that accompanies it, you can perform the G30S/PKI rebellion against a number of tourist attractions in Jakarta which witnessed the silentness of the bloody tragedy.

Compiled from various sources, the following are some historical tours reminiscent of the G30S/PKI in Jakarta:

The Sasmita Loka Ahmad Yani Museum is the official residence of General Ahmad Yani, one of the top military officials who became victims of the Gestapu incident. In this place, you can see Ahmad Yani's personal heritage and the historic room during the G30S attack, as well as the last items used by the revolutionary hero.

The Sasmita Loka Ahmad Yani Museum is located on Lembang Street Number 67, RT 11 Rw7, Menteng, Menteng District, Central Jakarta City.

This museum is open every day from 08.00 to 16.00 WIB. You don't have to spend a penny when you enter the museum, aka it's free.

Historical tourism remembers the G30S/PKI incident in Jakarta, the next one is Plokamator Park. This place often holds warnings and events to commemorate victims of the G30S/PKI incident.

Proclaimer Park is located on Jalan Proclamation Number 10, RT 10 RW 2, Pegangsaan, Menteng District, Central Jakarta City.

Proclaimer Park is open every day except Monday, from 06.00 to 16.00 WIB. Visitors do not need to spend money when entering this park.

This museum is the residence of AH Nasution, a top military official who survived the G30S/PKI attack. To commemorate this incident, this house was used as a museum.

The Sasmita Loka Museum, General Besar Dr. AH Nasution, witnessed the silent death of AH Nasution's daughter, Ade Irma Suryani Nasution. He died after being shot by the rebels who tried to kidnap AH Nasution.

In this museum, you can also see collections of family photos, important documents, and objects used by AH Nasution and his family.

Visitors can see the room where witnesses attacked and diorama described the G30S incident.

The Sasmitalaloka Museum, General Besar Dr. AH Nasution, is located on Jalan Teuku Umar Number 40, RT 1 RW 1, Gondangdia, Menteng District, Central Jakarta City. This museum is open every day except Monday, from 09.00 to 16.00 WIB and the entrance fee is free.

Finally, there is the Pancasila Sakti Monument which is the main site to commemorate the Gestapu tragedy. In this place, there is Lubang Buaya which is the place where the seven TNI generals were added and their bodies were thrown into the hole.

When visiting this place, tourists can see statues of revolutionary heroes, helicopters used in military operations during events, spaces to show off weapons, uniforms, and diorama museums.

The Pancasila Sakti Monument is located at Jalan Monument Pancasila Sakti Number 4 Rt 4 Rw 12, Lubang Buaya, Cipayung District, East Jakarta.

This tourist attraction is open every day from 08.00 to 16.00 WIB. The entrance fee is very cheap, namely Rp. 5,000 per person and for students and students a tariff of Rp. 3,000 per person.

This is information about historical tourism reminiscent of the G30S/PKI in Jakarta. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.