5 Causes Of Bidur At Night, Complete By Overcoming It

YOGYAKARTA - Bidur (urtikara) is a skin condition characterized by the emergence of a red rash or bentols with itching. This skin problem can occur at any time, including at night. So what causes Biduran at night to disturb comfort.

Not a few people complain of mild conditions at night. Bidurs that appear suddenly on the skin at night are certainly very disturbing. Itching on theoperating skin often makes it difficult to fall asleep and damage the mood.

Therefore, it is very important to know what causes the raids at night and how to deal with them.

Pared on the skin often occurs at night, and it appears repeatedly and something gets worse. This itching symptom of the skin does not just appear. Midwives can occur because there are several trigger factors.

Here are some of the causes of niche at night and how to deal with it that you need to know:

Salah satu penyebab umum biduran pada malam hari adalah perubahan suhu. Ketika suhu turun di malam hari, tubuh mungkin bereaksi terhadap dinginya udara dengan melepaskan histamine.

Hystams are compounds that cause itching and inflammation of the skin. For some people who are cold sensitive, these temperature changes can trigger allergic reactions and cause denduction.

To prevent slips due to cold temperatures, make sure you keep the room temperature warm and comfortable. Use a thick blanket, wear warm clothes, or adjust room temperature by heating the room if necessary.

Bidurs at night can also be caused by allergies to certain ingredients such as fabrics from sleeping clothes or sheets. Materials that contain synthetic fibers or certain dyes can cause irritation of the skin, triggering a mild reaction.

The way to deal with this is to use sleeping clothes and sheets made from natural ingredients that are softer and do not trigger allergies. In addition, washing clothes and sheets with detergents that are free from harsh chemicals or fragrances that can trigger allergic reactions.

Bidukan can also appear as an allergic reaction to food or drinks consumed before bedtime. Some foods such as seafood, nuts, eggs, and dairy products can trigger allergic reactions in some people.

This allergy does not always appear immediately after eating food, but can appear a few hours later. Including an allergic reaction that appears at night while resting.

To overcome this, you should avoid foods that have the potential to cause allergies, especially at night. If you know that you have allergies to certain types of food, make sure to avoid it altogether or consult a doctor to treat food allergies.

Bedrooms are often a gathering place for dust and mites that can trigger allergies, including bidurage. House dust reservoirs tend to breed on sheets, pillows, and mattresses. When you lie in bed at night, exposure to this allergen can cause the skin to be inflamed and cause symptoms of bidur.

To reduce the risk of bidurning due to dust and mites allergies, make sure you regularly wash sheets, blankets, and pillowcases with hot water at least once a week. Vacuum the bed regularly and consider using mattress covers and pillows that are resistant to allergens.

Dry and dehydrated skin can also be a cause of bidurage, especially at night when the humidity of the air decreases. Dry skin is prone to irritation, itching, and inflammation that can trigger bidurage. This condition is often exacerbated by the use of air conditioning or heating a room that reduces moisture in the room.

To avoid this, make sure your skin remains moist using moisturizers before bed. Choose hypoallergenic and fragrance-free moisturizer moisturizers to reduce the risk of irritation. Also, make sure the bedroom has sufficient air humidity, especially if you use air conditioning or heating.

Those are some important causes of slips at night to be known. To avoid the emergence of tryps that can interfere with rest time, you should also do the tips above to overcome or prevent them. Also read the cause of itching skin while sweating.

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