How To Overcome Iron And Yellow Bau Water Due To Oxidation And Microorganism

YOGYAKARTA - Have you ever been annoyed that the well water in your house is yellow and smells bad? If you experience it, don't worry, because the following article will review how to deal with iron and yellow odor water in your well.

Iron and colorful odor water, in addition to disturbing comfort, can also endanger health. How to solve this problem? Come on, see the full explanation below.

First, open the heater faucet for hot and cold water in your home to check whether the air smells out of both taps or just when the hot water flows. If the smell arises from the water only when the heat water flows, then this is caused by the water heater.

The smell of water due to water heater faucets is not caused by an anaerob microorganisms in your well. In contrast, odors are produced because well water reacts with anode rod in your water heater.

On the other hand, if water smells out of hot and cold water taps, reported from the Weeks Drilling & Pump Co page, there are several options to reduce the smell of your well water, as follows:

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Meanwhile, well water that changes color is another problem that may be faced by the owner of the house. One of the possible causes of yellow well water is iron oxidation in water.

Iron oxidation itself usually occurs when rocks and soil around the akuifer supplying wells have a high concentration of iron.

However, there is another reason for the change in the color of well water, namely the presence of high levels of tannin acid in water. Usually this phenomenon occurs when the well is located close to the swamp.

Please note, tannin acid is produced by plants that rot and rot in swamps, and enter water sources due to the proximity of swamps to water sources.

If you find that the water in the bucket changes color, immediately contact a professional laboratory to test well water. If the water contains high iron, you should consult a well drilling service to install an iron filter. Filters will solve the problem of yellow well water.

If your well water smells like rotten eggs, you can blame hydrogen sulfide. These chemicals are produced as a byproduct by anaerob microorganisms during digestion. This microorganism breeds in oxygenless conditions and is often found in clay and mud in swamps, wells, and sewers.

But it's important to remember that large amounts of sulfide hydrogen is toxic and can burn easily (although rare). However, hydrogen sulfide causes problems at home because it can cause stuffy pipes. If this happens, you should be ready to replace the pipe at a high cost across the house.

But the good news is that hydrogen sulfide can't last long in water if it's exposed to air. You can fill a glass of water and leave it standing for a few seconds. If the smell of rotten eggs disappears after about 10 to 15 seconds, then obviously hydrogen sulfide is the cause of your odor well water.

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