After Successfully Operating At The Indonesian Independence Day, How Are The Autonomous Trams At IKN?

JAKARTA - Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi revealed the latest news about Autonomous Rail Transit (ART). After successfully operating on the 79th Indonesian Independence Day, the autonomous tram returned to phase tests.

The news was conveyed by the Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi through uploading videos on Instagram social media @budikaryas.

"This is the latest news from an autonomous tram. After successfully operating during the RI Anniversary commemoration ceremony at IKN, currently the autonomous bull tram is testing the Autonomous Tram Operation Phase or Proof-of-Concept (POC)," Budi wrote as quoted on Friday, September 27.

Budi admitted that he witnessed firsthand the test of the autonomous tram phase in the National Aquaculture Area of the Capital Archipelago (IKN), East Kalimantan. He explained that the test was intended to better know the feasibility of autonomous tram operations.

"Retesting on Autonomous Rail Transit on the National Axis went smoothly. Hopefully all of you can feel how to enjoy ART. See you at IKN," wrote Budi again.

After passing the test of the autonomous tram or POC phase, continued Budi, the Ministry of Transportation through the Directorate General of Railways (DJKA) together with the IKN authority will conduct an evaluation before it will be exhibited to the public.

"Hopefully all the stages will run smoothly," wrote Budi.

Previously it was reported, Budi explained that the showcase plan aka a demonstration would be held from October 10 to December 31, 2024.

"During the showcase period, people can enjoy autonomous trams for free," he said.

Budi also admitted that he was optimistic that the first autonomous tram in Indonesia in IKN would be a model for other cities to implement a modern, environmentally friendly mass transpotation.

"We are optimistic that autonomous trams can operate well in IKN and become a model for other cities in Indonesia in implementing smart and environmentally friendly modern mass transportation," he said.