Causes Of PBI BPJS Health Inactive: Here's The Explanation And Solution

YOGYAKARTA - It might be annoying if your BPJS Kesehatan is suddenly inactive, right? Especially if you are a user of BPJS Kesehatan, also known as PBI (Recipient of Contribution Assistance), who receives payment from the government. Actually, PBI is a solution for those who are underprivileged; therefore, if someone remains inactive, there must be problems related to the causes of the inactive BPJS Kesehatan PBI that must be addressed.

So that you are no longer confused, let's discuss thoroughly the reasons why PBI BPJS Kesehatan is not active. Although certain problems are quite simple, some take longer to solve.

1. Inappropriate Data

One of the common reasons why PBI BPJS Kesehatan is disabled is because of inappropriate data. For example, data recorded in BPJS Kesehatan is different from data at the Social Service, such as addresses or ID cards that are not the same. Even though it is registered with BPJS, the status of PBI can be lost due to the discrepancy of the data. The solution, make sure all data in related institutions is appropriate and always updated.

2. Not Registered with DTKS

DTKS (Social Welfare Integrated Data) is a database used by the government to determine who is entitled to receive assistance, including PBI. If the name is not listed in DTKS, the PBI status can be automatically revoked. DTKS is updated periodically, so that even though it was previously registered, it is not necessarily always included in the next period. To remain registered, it must meet the criteria set by the government.

3. Increased Revenue

PBI BPJS Kesehatan is intended for underprivileged communities. If a person's income increases and is deemed capable of paying his own dues, the PBI status will be disabled. For example, someone who initially did not have a fixed income, then got a job with a salary that exceeded the set limit. This data is usually detected from DTKS updates.

4. Routine Verification

Every year, the government carries out the verification and validation process of PBI participant data. The goal is to ensure whether participants still meet the requirements as beneficiaries. If in verification it is found that participants no longer meet the criteria, the status of PBI can be disabled. This also applies to those who change addresses but do not report, or there is an unreserved data change.

5. Technical Error

Sometimes, PBI BPJS Kesehatan is disabled not because of participant errors, but because of technical problems in the BPJS system or Social Service, such as data input errors, system problems, or problems during data migration. If this happens, the problem can be solved by contacting the BPJS call center or visiting the nearest BPJS office.

6. Move Health Facilities Without Reporting

Many do not realize that moving health facilities (faskes) without reporting to BPJS can cause PBI status to be disabled. Health data is important to ensure participants continue to receive health services. If you change health facilities without updating the data, BPJS may assume participants are no longer active.

7. Participants Died

If the PBI participant dies, the PBI status will automatically be disabled. This is more related to administration, but sometimes the family forgets to report or take care of the cancellation officially.

Solutions If BPJS PBI Is Inactive

If suddenly your BPJS Kesehatan PBI is deactivated, don't worry. There are several steps that can be taken to check and take care of so that its status is active again.

I. Check Status in the Mobile Application JKN

You can open the Mobile JKN application to check membership status. If the PBI status is disabled, usually the application will also display the reason or cause.

II. Call BPJS Health Call Center

If still confused, contact the BPJS call center at 1500400. The officer will explain the cause of the inactivated PBI and provide directions regarding the steps that need to be taken.

III. Visit the Nearest BPJS Office

Another effective way is to go directly to the nearest BPJS Health office. Do not forget to bring documents such as ID cards, family cards, and certificates from the kelurahan or social services if needed.

IV. Update Data on DTKS

If the inactive cause is a problem with DTKS, you can request data updates in the kelurahan or social service. Although this process can take time, this step is important to reactivate your PBI.

V. Re-submit to the Social Service

If the PBI is disabled because it is deemed inappropriate, you can apply again to the local social service. Make sure all documents and requirements are complete so that the submission process runs more smoothly.

For additional reading information as well: The Procedures and Requirements for BPJS Kesehatan Participants Are Moved to PBI.

So after knowing the cause of the inactive health BPJS PBI, look at other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!