Deputy Minister Of Finance Thomas Djiwandono Encouraged To Pursue Tax Evaluation For 2024 Achievements


JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Finance, Thomas Djiwandono, said that there was positive news from tax revenues, where the growth momentum was maintained over the last two months. Thomas also explained that tax revenue consists of non-oil and gas Income Tax (PPh) of IDR 665.52 trillion, although it fell 2.46% compared to the same period last year.

The realization has only reached 62.58% of the target. PPh Migas has also decreased by 10.23%, with total revenues of IDR 44.45 trillion or 58.20% of the target.

Meanwhile, Value Added Tax (VAT) and Sales Tax on Luxury Goods (PPnBM) recorded revenues of IDR 470.81 trillion, growing 7.36% compared to the previous year with an achievement of 58.03% of the target. Land and Building Taxes (PBB) and other taxes reached IDR 15.76 trillion, or only 41.78% of the target, but still grew 34.18%.

"We hope this positive trend can continue in the following months," said Thomas.

Thomas also emphasized that the decline in Non-Migas PPh was caused by the weakening of commodity prices last year, which resulted in a decline in profitability in 2023, especially in the commodity sector. PPh Migas decreased due to a decrease in petroleum lifting.

On the other hand, Director of LBH Taxes and Excise, Nelson Butarbutar, suggested that the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) not only focus on taxpayers that are easily accessible. According to Nelson, there are still many rogue taxpayers who have not been touched, which could be potential additional income. He criticized DGT, which is considered too passive, just waiting for taxpayer initiatives to pay, and encouraging DGT to be more proactive in pursuing tax evaders.

Nelson also emphasized that pursuing non-compliant taxpayers must be a DGT priority. This step will not only increase tax revenue, but also provide a sense of justice for compliant taxpayers.

He also highlighted that public complaints about tax management often did not get an adequate response from the Ministry of Finance, so it seemed that the DGT was underprivileged in securing state rights from the tax sector.

"It is very unfortunate if the Ministry of Finance does not succeed in cracking down on naughty taxpayers. The focus on compliant taxpayers must be balanced with firm action against tax evaders," he said.