Moeldoko: There Is No Place To Hide For Terrorists

JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko said that President Joko Widodo ordered the National Police Chief, the TNI Commander, and the State Intelligence Agency to coordinate to increase awareness of acts of terrorism.

This is done to ensure that the state is present to ensure the safety of all Indonesian people from fear of the terror attacks that took place at the Makassar Cathedral Church and the National Police Headquarters.

Moeldoko said that the government has a complete legal system and strategy to dismantle the terror cell to its roots, including through a hard approach.

"So, there is no place to hide for all parties involved in acts of terrorism in Indonesia, all of them will be dismantled," said Moeldoko in his statement, Thursday, April 1.

That way, he said, law enforcement efforts would be carried out in a firm, fair and effective manner;

Moeldoko said terrorism is a common enemy of all Indonesian people. He appealed to the public to look after each other, remain alert and calm, and help law enforcement officials if they have information or information related to acts of terrorism.

"The threat of terrorism is real, imminent and dangerous, so we are urged to stop conspiracy opinions that are baseless, irresponsible and in fact make the situation worse," he explained.

Previously reported, the terror act that took place at the Jakarta Police Headquarters was carried out by a suspected terrorist with the initials ZA. The 25-year-old woman entered the National Police Headquarters at around 16.30 WIB.

At that time, he pretended to ask about the position of the Post office. After that he returned to the guard post. Not long after, ZA fired six shots at the officers before being finally paralyzed.

National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said ZA had the ideology of ISIS. This is known from his last post on his Instagram account.

"This person concerned is a suspect or perpetrator of a lone wolf with the ideology of ISIS. He is concerned with the post in question on social media," General Listyo Sigit told reporters, Wednesday, March 31.

From a search for ZA's Instagram account, an ISIS flag post was found. "The person concerned has an Instagram that was just created or posted 21 hours ago, in which there is an ISIS flag and there is an inscription on how the jihad struggle," he continued.