Cagub Andika Perkasa Ignored, Central Java Police Considers There Are Other Parties Who Want A Chaotic Pilkada Atmosphere

A video showing the Central Java Police Chief, Inspector General of Police Ribut Hari Wibowo, was not willing to greet the Candidate for Governor of Central Java, Andika Perkasa became a trending topic in various media. Many regret this incident.

The Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Police, Kombes Pol Artanto, straightened out that the incident was not intentional. Because if you look at it, at that time the police chief who was walking was about to leave the Central Java KPU office, had lowered his head to say goodbye.

"So at that time there was no element of intent not wanting to shake hands," said Kombes Artanto in a written statement, Wednesday, September 25.

According to Artanto, it was inversely proportional to when the two met in the transit room at the Central Java KPU at a peaceful election, on Tuesday night, September 24.

"Where between Mr. Andika and Mr. Ribut in the transit room showed a friendly attitude, because the two of them apart from shaking hands and also talked about various things," he said.

The video, which seemed to be the Kapolda, was reluctant to shake hands with Mr. Andika, Artanto considered, was deliberately uploaded to the media with the aim of making things worse.

Artanto said, the video was deliberately directed by people who were not happy that the regional elections were peaceful, safe and comfortable.

"For this reason, we ensure that the closeness, solidity between the TNI and Polri are maintained and well maintained," he concluded.