Thousands Of Jakarta Pilkada Voice Boxes Arrive At The East Jakarta KPU Warehouse

JAKARTA - Three large trucks from Surabaya carrying election logistics in the form of 4,164 ballot boxes, ICT cables and 120,262 electoral seales finally arrived at the warehouse of KPU Rawa Gelam, Cakung District, East Jakarta, Wednesday, September 25.

The arrival of this election logistics was directly monitored by the Chairman of the East Jakarta KPU and East Jakarta Bawaslu. One by one, the logistics of the DKI Jakarta Pilkada are immediately lowered and checked whether anything is damaged or not.

After checking, the logistics are immediately put into the warehouse and waiting for orders from the DKI Jakarta KPU to be assembled and distributed.

"There have been 4,146 boxes of ballot boxes, so more than 20 of the total polling stations in East Jakarta. So there has been a decrease in polling stations and so on, so the factory has been overestimated. The number of polling stations in East Jakarta is 4,146 for contestation or almost the same candidate," said Chairman of the East Jakarta KPU, Tedi Kurnia to reporters.

According to Tedi, the number of TPS in the 2024 General Election to the Regional Head Election has decreased by almost half.

"We are waiting for directions from the province, whether they are assembled at the city level or at the sub-district level, we are still waiting," he said.