How Long Does It Take To Soak Clothes? Also Check Out The Tips For Washing Clothes Here

YOGYAKARTA - Soaking clothes is one way to get rid of the dirt that sticks and the stains are stubborn. Soaking clothes is important in the washing process. How long does it take to soak the ideal clothes?

Soaking the wash for too long will make clothes damaged, so it takes enough time to do so. Soaking clothes before washing them is useful for removing stains that are difficult to remove, ranging from blood, oil, ink graffiti to used food.

Soaking clothes before washing will make the dirt attached to the fabric fiber soften. Soaking clothes before washing can also reduce unpleasant odors or smells.

Soaking clothes can be done for 10-15 minutes only and a maximum of 30 minutes before washing. Try to soak the wash no more than 30 minutes to avoid clothes moisturizing.

Apart from paying attention to how long it takes to soak clothes, also pay attention to the type of cloth. Some types of cloth should not be soaked at all, there are even types of cloth that should not be soaked in hot water.

One type of material that should not be soaked is woven cloth. Meanwhile, the types of ingredients that can only be soaked with cold water include silk,tiare, and jeans.

Soaking clothes that take too long will make the cloth moist. The condition of this damped clothing can be an ideal place for growth for fungi and bacteria. The mushrooms and bacteria that spread to the fibers of these fabrics then make clothes smell good and usually will be difficult to remove.

Soaking the wash for too long can also cause clothes to become runny. This is because clothes will absorb water when soaked. As a result, the fibers of clothing become tenuous and change shape so that clothes become loose.

Some types of clothing have colorings that are easy to fade. Therefore, if soaked for too long, clothes will change color.

In addition to making the cloth damaged, one of the reasons for soaking clothes for too long is the potential for disease spread. Soaking the washing takes too long to make many bacteria and fungi stick to clothes so that these bacteria and fungi can trigger health problems, such as itching, eczema, and even asthma.

Avoid mixing all the washes. Separate these clothes by color. For example, separate them into white, dark, and bright clothing groups. Then, mixed clothes, such as batik, can also be combined into one. Separating the laundry based on this color can minimize the risk of clothing color fading.

After finishing soaking clothes with laundry soap, immediately replace the immersion water with clean water to rinse clothes. Because the water used for the immersion contains a lot of dirt and stains.

After clothes are washed, immediately dry in a shady place and exposed to direct sunlight. Because if wet clothes are left for too long, bacteria and fungi will reproduce. As a result, clothes also smell bad and trigger disease attacks.

Also spray fragrances and clothing pelicins after they are finished in the sun so that clothes become fragrant. Use fragrance and clothing pelicin when ironing.

Thus, ideally soaking clothes ranges between 10-15 minutes and a maximum of 30 minutes before starting to wash to maintain the quality of the cloth on clothes and avoiding clothes that smell bad and damaged.

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