Although Both Popular In The Culinary World, Recognize 6 Differences In Pasta And Mi
YOGYAKARTA Spaghetti is one of the pastas that has a long silindrical shape. Pasta and noodles, at first glance before cooking look the same. But if specifically examined, pasta and noodles have fundamental differences, ranging from the ingredients of manufacture, texture, cooking methods, to the culture of their respective origins from the two.
Pasta jenismen dan mi, sekali tampak tampaknya beras. Tetapi mi jenis tertentu, potongnya tidak sesulitus dan seseraga seragam seperti pasta. Dilihat dari bahannya, pasta umumnya dibuat dari telah sebelah durum. Sedangkan mi, bahannya lebih bervari, ada yang dari berjegu, ada juga yang berbuat telah non gluten, seperti di Indonesia populer dengan mi caskong, atau di Yogyakarta dikenal dengan mi letheg. Mi juga bisa dibuat berutan tebuh-bijian, misalnya dari bijin hijau. Ada juga mi dari teb beras hingga sorghum.
Pasta usually has a harder and denser texture. So it's rare to cook kernel, use sauce or cheese cream more often. Meanwhile, noodles are cooked more or in soup. Such as ramen, heartburn, to boiled noodles. This is because the noodles have a flexible but soft texture.
Pasta ada berbagai bentuk, termasuk silindris panjang seperti harus, atau lapisan untuk harus, tabung seperti maccaroni, panjang dan lebar seperti fettucini, atau spiral seperti fusion. Mi juga memiliki berbagai bentuk, termasuk lembaran terdung, lembar, lembar seperti kwetiau, dan jalur.
Pasta is usually boiled with salt water plus butter to al dente. While the noodles can be boiled, stird, or served in the soup.
Pasta is often served with tomato or cream sauce. You can also use olive oil with garlic. For noodles, use complex ingredients. Often use soybean sauce, broth, garlic oil, and make up with vegetables and meat.
Pasta is an important part of Italian cuisine. Meanwhile, noodles are popular from Asian countries. Although pasta and noodles have many similarities, the above is the fundamental difference between the two. Launching Recipe&Food, Wednesday, September 25, pasta is noodles from Italy while noodles from Asia are made from grains. The way the presentation is also different. In cold weather, noodles are served warm even though there are cold noodles like Mi.