HP Study Reveals Shocking Facts: AI Is The Key To Worker Happiness

JAKARTA - HP Inc. released an annual comprehensive study of the two HP Work Relations Index (WRI) which revealed about the relationship between workers in the world and their work.

Based on studies conducted on 15,600 cross-industrial respondents in 12 different countries including Indonesia, it shows that only 28 percent of global intellectual workers have healthy relationships with their work. In Indonesia alone, 44 percent admit this.

However, these new findings show two potential solutions to improve workers' relationships with their work, namely Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology and personalized work experience.

When it comes to AI, the study says the use of AI among global intellectual workers has jumped to 66 percent by 2024, up from 38 percent last year.

Meanwhile, 87 percent of Indonesian intellectual workers now use AI in the workplace. Workers who use AI also claim to have felt the benefits of AI, including healthier relationships with work.

Furthermore, 73 percent of intellectual global workers feel that AI makes their work easier, and 69 percent adjust their AI use to make it more productive. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, 92 percent of workers have the same view, and 83 percent of them adjust the use of AI to make it more productive.

60 percent of global intellectual workers and 64 percent of Indonesian intellectual workers also stated that AI plays an important role in increasing the balance of their work lives.

And there are as many as 68 percent of global intellectual workers and 86 percent of Indonesian intellectual workers who say the AI's presence opens up new opportunities for them to enjoy work.

"We believe that smart technology is the key to meeting the current labor needs," said Choon Teck Lim, Managing Director of HP Indonesia in a statement received on Wednesday, September 25.