Getting A Luxury House After Divorce, Sarwendah Denies Ruben Onsu Participating In Financing

JAKARTA - Ruben Onsu's attorney, Minola Sebayang, explained the distribution of assets between his client and his ex-wife Sarwendah after being divorced. Minola said that one of the assets agreed with them was a luxury house in the Jakarta area which was given to Sarwendah.

Even so, it was said that Ruben would still help with the operational costs of the house.

"The new luxury house was given to Sarwendah, but there are still obligations that have not been completed, so Ruben still completes his obligations even though he is no longer husband and wife," said Minola Sebayang via zoom connection, Tuesday, September 24.

This was confirmed by Sarwendah's attorney, Chris Sam Siwu, that previously there had been a mutual agreement between Ruben and his client regarding assets.

"It is true that there was an agreement agreed by Ruben with Sarwendah outside the trial and indeed the agreement was made with mutual agreement and inNER with the distribution of property problems, there were moving objects and immovable objects as well, in this case property and vehicles," explained Chris Sam Siwu.

However, related to the luxury house, Sarwendah denied that Ruben would participate in financing. The reason is that Ruben's agreement only helps their children's expenses.

"Yes, that's right. So I'll add it, so after breaking up, Ruben will no longer support our clients. That's why our clients continue to focus on working to support themselves," said Chris Sam Siwu.

"But for children, there has been an agreement a b c that Ruben supports. The rest are our clients. So there is not a single agreement regarding our client being financed by Ruben so it is only for his children," he said.