Fufufa, Mantra Ahead Of The Inauguration

JAKARTA - Fufufafa suddenly became a widely discussed "mantra". Many are curious about this account, after several parties suspected that the account belonged to Gibran Rakabuming Raka, the Vice President-elect. Surprisingly, the content in the account contains satire, insults, and even inappropriate words towards Prabowo Subianto, the president-elect who is Gibran's running mate in the 2024 Presidential Election.

The account contains old chats on the Kaskus forum that have been brought up again. At that time, Prabowo and Gibran were not yet a pair. At that time, the rivalry between Prabowo and Jokowi occurred in two consecutive Presidential Elections, namely 2014 and 2019. The political situation at that time gave rise to tension, including harsh comments.

However, the competition eventually transformed into friendship, changing the political map ahead of the 2024 Presidential Election. Prabowo and Gibran finally became a pair. However, the digital footprint of the past has now been brought to the surface again by netizens. This is what sparked the commotion about the Fufufafa account.

Gibran himself did not respond to this issue. When asked by reporters about who the account owner was, Gibran replied, “Why ask me, ask the two accounts,” when he was visiting Solo recently.

This answer actually has made many parties, especially netizens, even more enthusiastic about proving the identity of the Fufufafa account. This account is suspected of originating from a play on the word “fufufu” in Japanese comics (manga), which means laughing softly with a sarcastic tone.

Netizens who investigated further found allegations that the account was related to Chili Pari, Gibran’s catering account. The similarity in language style between the Fufufafa and Chili Pari accounts, which often contain satire, further strengthens the suspicion that the account belongs to Gibran.

Telematics expert, Roy Suryo, revealed that the Fufufafa account has thousands of chats on Kaskus, some of which contain insults, hate speech, and even SARA. Around 1,500 chats have been deleted. Roy Suryo also believes that the Fufufafa account is very likely to belong to Gibran after matching the language style and association with other accounts, including Chili Pari and Kaesang, Gibran's younger brother. According to him, the possibility that the account belongs to Gibran is 99.9 percent.

The emergence of allegations that the Fufufafa account is owned by Gibran could have political consequences and damage his image as a public figure. Although Gibran tries to ignore this issue, the impact on his image and reputation is difficult to avoid.

If it is proven true that the Fufufafa account is related to Gibran, and its content is considered to violate public norms, this could affect his popularity, even threatening the fate of his inauguration as Vice President. The inauguration of the president and vice president is only scheduled for October 20, 2024. The Fufufafa case could be a loophole for parties who want to thwart the inauguration.

This issue is also a weapon for Gibran and Prabowo's political opponents to question Gibran's capabilities, maturity, and readiness as Vice President. In the midst of a competitive political situation, attacks on personal reputation are often exploited for certain political interests.

Potential Legal Attacks on Fufufafa Account

The Fufufafa account case has the potential to be brought to the legal realm. Although the authorities have not yet taken action, there is pressure from several parties to investigate further. Institutions such as the Democracy Defense Team through Petrus Selestinus, emphasize that if the content of the account violates the Electronic Information and Transactions Law (ITE), then the owner must be held criminally responsible.

According to Petrus, if Gibran Rakabuming Raka is proven to be the owner of the account, he is threatened with being disqualified from being inaugurated as Vice President by the MPR. He believes that the police should act immediately so that this issue does not become a wild ball that has the potential to create chaos ahead of the inauguration.

Sutrisno Pangaribuan from the National Congress Presidium also believes that this case could be the beginning of the collapse of Jokowi's political dynasty. If Gibran is proven to have violated the ITE Law, this will be a bad precedent. He believes that there are parties who are starting to corner Gibran on the pretext that his success as a vice presidential candidate was only due to interference from the political dynasty.

Managing Director of Political Economy and Policy Studies (PEPS), Anthony Budiawan, also expressed his opinion that if Gibran is proven to be the owner of the Fufufafa account, he is not worthy of being inaugurated as Vice President. Based on Article 7A of the 1945 Constitution, the president or vice president can be dismissed if they commit a serious violation. Election Law Number 7 of 2017 also prohibits presidential or vice presidential candidates from committing reprehensible acts.

In line with Anthony, constitutional law expert Ferry Amsari also assessed that Gibran could face legal threats, both criminal and constitutional law, if proven to be the owner of the Fufufafa account. This could affect his inauguration as the next vice president.

This case could trigger a complicated legal process in the House of Representatives (DPR), Constitutional Court (MK), and Supreme Court (MA). If proven, this will be a big test for these institutions in assessing the moral violations of prospective state leaders. Although difficult to prove, this legal opportunity remains open.

According to Ferry, several world figures have been brought down or impeached due to ethical and moral issues like this. --- give an example, if there is none, just delete this sentence---

The process of proving that someone has violated morals or committed a despicable act in politics is indeed not easy. If the Fufufafa account is proven to belong to Gibran, the question is how to prove the moral violations he committed as president or vice president. This will be a big challenge for the DPR, MK, and the MA, because the legal process will take place there. Although difficult to prove, this legal opportunity remains open.