Parents Must Know, These Are 5 Benefits Of Swimming For Children's Health

JAKARTA - Many children are very happy when invited to swim. Basically, children like to play water and consider swimming not as a sport, but a fun entertainment. Therefore, it is not surprising that children feel happy when their parents invite them to swim.

If children like to swim, this is good news, because there are many benefits that can be obtained from this water sport. Swimming has many benefits for children in terms of health and development. Come see what are the benefits of swimming for children!

Train muscles

When the child swims, he will continue to move and exert more energy. Movement after movement in this water will keep the muscles working. If done regularly, swimming can train muscle development and make children stronger.

The heart and lungs are stronger

Swimming is known to be good for heart and lung health. This is because the movements train children to catch their breath in water. The more often trained, the lungs and heart can be healthier and can work optimally. Let's take the children to swim regularly so that the benefits can be felt more!

Prevent obesity

Obesity in children is very dangerous because it can cause diabetes risk. If your child likes to overeat, rarely moves, and doesn't like sports, try to get him to swim. Because swimming activities can increase stamina, better posture, and prevent obesity.

Instead of forcing your child to do sports that he doesn't like, why not invite him to swim? For children it may be just entertainment, but it still affects their health.

Better sleep quality

Generally, children will sleep better when they swim. The energy will be drained enough when swimming and this will have an impact on improving the quality of sleep which is certainly good for overall health.

Improve motor skills

It turns out that children who routinely swim since childhood will have better eye and hand coordination. Infants starting at six months of age can be introduced to swimming. However, if you are still in doubt you can also start at the age of 1-2 years so that the earlier learning, the better for the future.