Liquid Social Assistance At The End Of March, Try Checking At

JAKARTA - Cash Social Assistance (Bansos) in the form of IDR 300 thousand cash will be disbursed at the end of March 2021.

During the period March-April 2021, the government will distribute Social Assistance with a total of 17,496,185 recipients. Most of it has been distributed in stages since the beginning of March 2021.

This figure is specifically for Bansos in the form of Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT), not including distribution for cash social assistance (BST) and the Family Hope Program (PKH).

You can check whether you get it by going to the site.

Quoted from the page on Wednesday, March 17, the disbursement of the March 2021 Social Cash Assistance is targeted to be carried out in the fourth week of the same month.

The implementation will coincide with the disbursement of BST for April 2021.

Here's how to check recipients of Bansos or Cash Bansos

1. Open the official website dtks.kemensos.go.id2. Look at the top column where there are some personal data searches. 3. Select the membership ID you want. Starting from NIK, DTKS or BST ID, Staple Food Card or BNPT, and JK or KIS PBI Numbers. You can choose the ID as needed to be able to access the site. 4. Enter the selected membership number completely. 5. Enter the name listed on the selected ID. 6. Enter the code listed 7. Click Search8. Then a statement will appear whether your ID is registered to the system or not

Furthermore, the method of disbursing Bansos is through the post office, recipients of Rp. 300,000 Cash Social Assistance receive an invitation letter from the head of the local RT.

The letter contains a barcode and basic beneficiary information.

The letter must be brought to the nearest post office as evidence for the disbursement process.

In addition to bringing a letter of invitation, recipients of Cash Social Assistance are also required to bring their KTP or Family Card. After all the documents are complete, immediately go to the Post Office and show them to the officer.

The officer will check and scan the barcode contained in the invitation letter. Disbursement of Rp.300,000 was successful and there was no deduction at all.