Dharma-Kun Will Issue A Safe Jakarta Card For Residents If Elected As Governor And Deputy Governor

JAKARTA - Jakarta cagub and cawagub number 02, Dharma Pongrekun-Kun Wardana will issue a 'Jakarta Aman' card to protect their citizens if elected in the upcoming Jakarta Pilkada 2024.

"The flagship program for Jakarta residents that I will prioritize for the first time to protect, later we will give it, the name is the Jakarta Aman card," said Dharma Pongrekun after signing the declaration of a peace campaign in Kota Tua, West Jakarta, Tuesday, September 24.

Later, continued Dharma, this card can be used by Jakarta residents for all access. Start education, health, and transportation services.

"Whoever holds the Jakarta Safe (card), then they will get priority in the service. Either get a job, for education, health, or transportation. We will give it, the name is my Jakarta Aman card," he continued.

Dharma also ensured that his party would carry out the campaign safely and peacefully. According to the promise made in the declaration of the Jakarta gubernatorial election peace campaign held by the Jakarta KPUD in front of the Fatahillah museum.

"This declaration is a milestone for us to move forward and a milestone in which we promise. But I hope, this promise is not only sweet in the mouth, but comes from the sense of adab that exists in our soul, which we are afraid of all the sanctions that will be given by God, which God when we violate the promise," he said.

"Let us not make promises but only promises, as we have felt so far, we have been promised many but promises are just promises," he added.

Therefore, Dharma emphasized that together with Kun Wardana, he would truly carry out the promise of a civilized peaceful campaign. So that the aspirations to realize a Safe Jakarta are not just rhetoric.

"But we do it seriously from the call of the soul to fight seriously for the citizens of Jakarta. Consider us father, then we will really step up and protect our families," said Dharma.

"I have a Jakarta ID card, my parents are Jakarta residents, my friends are Jakarta people, my family is also a lot of Jakarta people. Therefore, it is very reasonable for me, for Mr. Kun also to struggle to prioritize Jakarta residents, who have Jakarta ID cards," he concluded.