How To Overcome Cough And Shortness Of Breath At Night: Tips And Tricks To Sleep More Nyenyak

YOGYAKARTA - At night, coughing and shortness of breath can be very disturbing because the body should rest. This disorder can make you unwell, even worsening your overall health condition.

A person can cough and shortness of breath at night for various reasons, such as allergies, asthma, respiratory infection, to reflux of stomach acid. This article will discuss several common causes and practical solutions to relieve cough and shortness of breath at night so that you can sleep better.

Causes Of Cough And Shortness Of Breath At Night

1. Allergy and Alergen in the bedroom

Allergic triggering substances such as dust, powder, pet hair, or fungi can be the main cause of coughing and shortness of breath at night. When we spend more time in the bedroom, especially at night, exposure to allergens increases, triggering respiratory reactions such as coughing or difficulty breathing.

2. Asthma

People with asthma often experience symptoms that get worse at night. This can be caused by changes in air temperature or sleeping positions that can narrow the respiratory tract, cause coughs and difficulty breathing.

3. Lambung Asam Reflux (GERD)

Reflux of stomach acid can also trigger cough at night. While sleeping in a supine position, stomach acid can rise to the throat, cause irritation and trigger cough. This condition is known as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).

4. Breathing Channel Infection

Infections such as flu, bronchitis, or pneumonia can also cause more severe coughs at night. These symptoms often worsen when the body is lying down because mucus is more difficult to move, so it accumulates in the respiratory tract.

1. Set the Right Sleeping Position

One of the easiest but most effective ways to reduce cough and shortness of breath is to improve your sleeping position. Avoid sleeping on your back, because this position can trigger coughing and exacerbate the reflux of stomach acid. Try to sleep with a higher head and chest position, for example using several pillows to support the upper body. This will help keep the airway open and prevent stomach acid from rising to the throat. Also Read: Shortness of Breath and Cough Kambuh Night? This Is the Right Sleeping Position when Experiencing it.

2. Use an Air Traveler (Humudifier)

Too dry air can make the respiratory tract easy to irrigate and exacerbate coughing. Maintaining air humidity by using a humidifier can help relieve symptoms of cough and shortness of breath at night. The more moist air will keep the respiratory tract hydrated and facilitate the release of mucus from the respiratory tract.

3. Drink Warm Drinks Before Sleep

Warm drinks such as herbal tea, lemon water with honey, or just warm water can help relieve dry and itchy throats, and dilute mucus. Honey, in particular, is known to have natural properties to relieve cough. Drinking a cup of warm tea before bed can help calm your respiratory system.

4. Avoid Refluting Foods

If coughing at night is caused by stomach acid reflux, it is important to avoid foods that trigger this condition, especially at night. Fat foods, spicy, or acid and caffeinated or alcoholic drinks should be avoided a few hours before bed. This can prevent stomach acid from rising to the throat as you lie down.

5. Use Anti-Alergy Pillows and Wash Seprai Regularly

For those who have allergies, keeping the bedroom clean is very important. Use pillows and anti-ergic blankets to reduce exposure to dust and mites. Also, make sure to wash sheets and pillowcases regularly with hot water to kill dust mites that can trigger coughs and shortness of breath.

6. Steam therapy

Inhaling steam can help relieve respiratory tracts that are blocked by mucus or irritation. You can try to inhale steam from the hot water that essential oil has been added, such as eucalyptus or peppermint. This method can help reduce inflammation and loosen mucus so that it is easier to remove.

7. Consult with the Doctor and Overcome the Cause

If coughing and shortness of breath continues every night, it is very important to consult a doctor so that they can get the right diagnosis. Diseases such as asthma or GERD may require special treatment, such asbats Or control of reflux of stomach acid, depending on the conditions that cause cough and shortness of breath.

8. Ensure Good Room Ventilation

A bedroom that has poor air circulation can worsen symptoms of cough and shortness of breath. Make sure the air in your room flows well. You can open the window during the day to drain fresh air, or use ventilation or a fan while sleeping to ensure air circulation runs smoothly.

By implementing these steps, coughing and shortness of breath that often occur at night can decrease so that your sleep becomes more comfortable.

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