Sri Mulyani's Subordinates Express The Focus Of Fiscal Policy Strategy On The Prabowo-Gibran Government

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) revealed several fiscal policy strategies in 2025 in an effort to realize Indonesia's plan to become a developing country in 2045.

The Director General of Fiscal Balance at the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) Luky Alfirman said that 2025 will be the first year of the Elected Presidential Government Prabowo Subianto and fiscal policies must be designed to remain adaptive and agile in implementing national development priorities and programs.

"Regarding fiscal decentralization since 2023, we have introduced a new policy, a new part, where we are trying to harmonize central and regional fiscal policies, as well as provide guidance for local governments in formulating their fiscal strategies," he said at the 2024 Fiscal Decentralization International Seminar, Tuesday, September 24.

Luky said that by 2025, the Government will focus on three things, namely first increasing economic growth by improving the quality and quantity of spending, as well as investing in regional development.

The next Starategi is to encourage convergence between regions by increasing multi-episentrum development and the construction of new economic centers.

Furthermore, the third focus is to improve welfare through an asymmetric inter-government transfer policy by taking into account regional needs and characteristics.

"To achieve fiscal policy goals, fiscal strategies, we will focus on these three things plus one," he said.

Luky added that by collecting more, spending better, encouraging innovative financing and requiring harmonization between the central and regional governments.

"And, finally, we are also starting to develop risk management as an integral part of fiscal risk management so, again, we want to make sure that we can maintain fiscal as well," he said.