Evacuation Steps During Fire In A Building

YOGYAKARTA The public's knowledge of evacuation steps during the fire helped save lives in the disaster. Unfortunately, people don't really know what evacuation steps are right in the midst of the fire.

Evacuation of fires must prioritize the safety of all parties, especially the equator. For more details, see the following article.

Evacuation of fires is to move people from dangerous places because of the fire to other places that are safer. To carry out the transfer, there are several steps taken, namely as follows.

What must be done for the first time when around the fire is to remain calm and don't panic. Panic will break the concentration so that you can't think clearly. After calming down, identification of the source of the fire includes how much, whether the fire can be extinguished by itself or must be extinguished by professional firefighters.

If you are near a source of fire or area that can be reached by fire, immediately move away to an emergency evacuation route. Do not go to an area that is flammable like a Malay building. Fire is very likely to grab wood, paper, or anything very quickly.

If possible, immediately activate a fire alarm to warn others in one building. This step is only a recommendation, if conditions are very unlikely to activate the alarm, you can go straight out of the room.

A Light Fire Extinguisher in the form of a red tube is able to extinguish the fire quickly. APAR can be used to extinguish small-scale fires that can be handled independently. How to use an APAR is to stand at a safe distance with the fire. Then pull the safety pin in the APAR while pointing the nozzle at the base of the fire. After that press the lever to spray APAR until the fire is extinguished or exhausted.

Never be careless to extinguish the fire independently. If the flames continue to grow, immediately contact the fire service in your city. The fire can suddenly get bigger because of gusts of wind or burn flammable materials in seconds. The sooner you contact the fire department, the smaller the risk of losses will occur caused by the fire.

If possible, turn off the electrical panels, it should be turned off immediately. The electricity will worsen the fire condition because it can trigger other hotspots. Try to make the electricity inside the building really cut off.

Pay attention to the surrounding conditions, if there are other people, immediately evacuate the person to a safer place. Evacuation is prioritized for the elderly, children, women, or people with special needs.

In a fire disaster, smoke is no less dangerous, so it is very important to avoid it. Try to find a safe place that is not exposed to smoke.

Those were some evacuation steps during the fire. Visit VOI.id to get more interesting information.