Fruits That Should Not Be Eaten After Operation Caesar: Here's An Explanation And Alternatives

YOGYAKARTA - After a caesarean operation, which takes a long time to recover, a mother needs special care, including special attention to the food they eat because their nutrition can affect their healing process. Did you know if there are fruit that cannot be eaten after caesarean surgery? Let's discuss it!

Although the fruit is considered healthy and contains many nutrients, some types of fruit should be avoided after caesarean surgery because it can interfere with recovery or cause health problems. The following are some types of fruit that are not recommended for consumption after caesarean operations and the reasons behind them.

Fruits that have a high level of acidity, such as lemons, oranges, pineapples, and kiwis, should be avoided in the first few days after surgery. Although these fruits are rich in vit C which is important for wound treatment, the level of acidity can cause digestive disorders.

After caesarean surgery, the mother's digestive system is often still sensitive. Consumption of sour fruit can stimulate problems such as heartburn, acid reflux, or other digestive disorders. Not only that, high acidity can also cause irritation in the digestive tract, especially if the body has not fully recovered from the effects of anesthesia and the drugs used throughout the operation.

Alternatives: You can still get vit C intake from fruits that are lower at the level of acidity, such as papaya, melons, or limited amounts of strawberries.

Fruits that are high in rough fiber, such as apples with skin, priors, or guava, should also be avoided in the early stages after caesarean surgery. Fiber is indeed very important to protect digestive health, but fruit with high rough fiber can cause hemorrhoids or increase the risk of tension in surgical wounds.

After the caesarean surgery, the muscles of the stomach and the surrounding area need time to recover. Foods with rough fiber that are difficult to digest can make digestion work harder, thus stimulating the strain of the stomach muscles that can affect the healing process.

Alternative: Soluble fiber-rich fruit such as bananas orferred fruit is easier to digest and can always help overcome hemorrhoids without putting excessive stress on the digestive system.

Some fruits, such as jackfruit, durian, and cempedak, are known to be able to create excessive gases in the digestive system. These fruits should be avoided after caesarean surgery because they can cause bloating stomachs and feel uncomfortable.

Excess gases in the stomach can stimulate pain and discomfort, especially in the abdomen that has just been operated. Not only that, excessive gas production can also worsen the condition of the stomach muscles and cause tension in the former area of operation, which slows down the recovery process.

Alternative: Fruits such as papaya and low-gas bananas but still healthy can be a safer choice.

Fruits that contain high natural sugar, a kind of wine, mango, and swelling, need to be limited in consumption. After caesarean surgery, the body is again in a treatment process that requires good blood sugar management.

Although the natural sugars in the fruits are healthy in moderate quantities, excessive consumption can increase blood sugar levels quickly. An immediate increase in blood sugar can affect the body's energy and slow down the wound healing process. Not only that, very large sugar levels can also stimulate inflammation in the body, which is not good for postoperative treatment processes.

Alternative: Fruits with lower sugar content, such as strawberries, blackberries, or apples (without skin), can be a better option.

The fruits that are placed in the refrigerator and eaten in very cold conditions should be avoided, especially in the first weeks after surgery. Consumption of very cold fruit can cause contraction of the stomach muscle and slow down the digestive process. This can increase discomfort and exacerbate pain around the former operating zone.

Not only that, fruit that is not ripe is also not good for eating. Fruits that are still raw tend to be more difficult in cerena and can cause digestive disorders or constipation. A slower or more stagnant digestive process can affect the improvement of the body's tissue and slow down recovery.

Alternative: Make sure the ripe fruit is perfect and not too cold, with the method of removing it from the refrigerator moments before eating.

Dry fruits such as airing, dry apricot, or prune generally have additional sugar and imperfect preservatives for the postoperative treatment process. Preservative and high sugar content can stimulate infection and disrupt the nutritional balance needed for recovery.

Not only that, fruits that are preserved or packaged in sugar, such as candied fruit or canned fruit, must also be avoided. These products often contain additional sugar and chemicals that are not good for the body, especially when the body is trying to recover from surgery.

Alternative: Choose fresh fruit that has not been processed or preserved to get better nutrition and without additional chemicals that have the potential to be dangerous.

Of course, for additional details, you need to know the 6 Possible Long-Term Caesar Operational Effects.

So after knowing the fruit that should not be eaten after the caesarean operation, look at other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!