PWI And Ministry Of Manpower Establish Cooperation, Socialize Employment Programs To Wide Communities

JAKARTA - The Central Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) collaborates with the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker) in an effort to socialize employment programs that directly touch the community. This program includes socialization of social security benefits, certification training, and provision of subsidy assistance.

This collaboration will begin with the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the Central PWI and the Ministry of Manpower which is scheduled to take place next week. Deputy Minister of Manpower, Afriansyah Noor, expressed his support for this collaboration in a meeting with the Central PWI management, Monday, September 23, 2024, at the Ministry of Manpower Office, Jakarta.

Afriansyah emphasized that the proposed program is very useful for workers and journalists. "This program is concrete and touches the needs of the community directly," he said.

He also explained that the Ministry of Manpower has nine directorates that handle various aspects of employment, including training and labor empowerment. "This collaboration will strengthen synergies in improving the quality of the workforce in Indonesia," he added.

This program, continued Afriansyah, is important to improve the competence of labor in various sectors that have different employment problems. "Every sector requires human resources with various quality and composition," he explained.

Secretary General of the Central PWI, Iqbal Irsyad, stated that PWI is ready to follow up on this collaboration. "We will immediately discuss the technicalities and prepare the MoU draft," he said after the meeting.

Secretary of the Directorate General of Industrial Relations Development of the Ministry of Manpower, Surya Lukita Warman, added that this collaboration will strengthen communication between PWI and the Ministry of Manpower at the center and regions to develop further cooperation.