Supreme Court Justice Reported To KY After Fraudulent Investment Perpetrators Released

Riki Rikardo Manik, the attorney for victims of alleged fraudulent investments, filed a complaint with the Judicial Commission (KY) of the Republic of Indonesia against the Panel of Supreme Court Justices who decided to release the perpetrators of Fikasa Group's fraudulent investment in the money laundering case.

The Fikasa Group case started with the sale of fictitious promotional notes that cost thousands of victims with a total loss of hundreds of billions of rupiah.

The defendant has been found guilty in the original crime (TPA) case at the District Court, High Court, and Supreme Court levels.

However, in the cassation decision of the money laundering case (TPPU) the Supreme Court of Justices decided that the defendant's actions were not a crime of money laundering, although proven.

Riki Rikardo Manik assessed that this cassation decision created legal uncertainty and violated legal logic and ignored justice.

"This decision contradicts the facts and previous decisions that consistently stated the defendant's actions as a criminal act," Riki told reporters, Monday, September 23.

Complaints to the Judicial Commission were made on suspicion of violating the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct of Judges (KEPPH). Article 10 paragraph (4) KEPPH stipulates that judges are obliged to avoid mistakes in making decisions and should not intentionally provide benefits to the defendant.

"The Supreme Court judge is suspected of ignoring proven facts, so this decision is very detrimental to the victims," he said.

The verdict that freed the defendant from the crime of money laundering had an impact on thousands of victims who had suffered heavy losses.

"There are thousands of victims, both identified in case files and those that have not been recorded, with losses reaching hundreds of billions. If this decision is not corrected, public trust in the justice system will be threatened," he said.

The attorneys for the victims urged the Judicial Commission to immediately investigate this case and ensure justice is upheld.

In addition to complaints to KY, the victim's attorney is also preparing a judicial review (PK) of the cassation decision which is considered wrong.

"We hope that the Judicial Commission will immediately follow up on this complaint and support the victims in their review efforts. Justice must be upheld, and this cassation decision should not be left without correction," he said.

Previously, it was reported that after the release of the defendants in the alleged Fikasa Group investment case, the victims asked for legal protection from the state through the President, DPR RI, the Attorney General's Office, and the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs.

Riki Rikardo Manik as the victim's attorney assessed that the Supreme Court (MA)'s decision in the TPPU case Number 3353K/Pid.Sus/2024 involving Bhakti Salim and his friends was considered odd and ignored justice for the victims.

In fact, he considered it against the rule of law, on the basis of the defendants Bhakti Salim et al had previously been found guilty in the Basic Case (State Criminal Act), namely criminal banking crime and sentenced to 14 years.