Nobar Takes Urut Number, Spokesperson For The RIDO Pair Make Sure Supporters 01 Don't Do A Black Campaign

Spokesperson for the Cagub and Cawagub Pair number 01 Ridwan Kamil-Suswono (RIDO), Basri Baco, ensured that supporters of Paslon 01 would not conduct a black campaign or black campaign during the voting day for the Jakarta Pilkada on 27 November.

This was emphasized by Basri Baco after watching together (nobar) taking the number of the Jakarta Pilkada at the DPD Golkar Party Jakarta, Cikini, Monday, September 23.

"We make sure there is no black campaign or divided politics. RIDO will compete fairly," said Baco.

Baco emphasized that a cheerful campaign approach without bringing down other potential partners will also further improve the quality of democracy in Indonesia.

"We will also continue to absorb the aspirations of the citizens because RIDO believes in the importance of public participation and collaboration in finding joint solutions," Baco explained.

The secretary of the DPD of the Golkar Party in Jakarta also appreciated the supporters and sympathizers of the candidate pair for governor and Deputy Governor of Jakarta Ridwan Kamil-Suswono (RIDO) who cheered and raised the number one banner as a form of supporting the RIDO pair in the event to watch together the selection process for their champion serial numbers through live streaming broadcast from the KPUD Jakarta.

"We are holding a nobar event here, so that friends, be it sympathizers, cadres, or residents, can follow the process together," said Baco.

Previously, Jakarta Governor Candidate number 01, Ridwan Kamil reminded other candidate pairs to contest in peaceful ways.

"Let's contest in ways full of joy," said Ridwan Kamil in his remarks at the Jakarta KPUD Office, Monday, September 23, evening.

RK also invited other candidate pairs to make the Jakarta Special Regional Election a national pilot.

Pilkada yang naik kelas, pilkada yang menjadi contoh, pilkada yang dijauhkan dari hal-hal yang meresahkan, kata eks Gubernur Jawa Barat itu.

RK also asked supporters not to use bad methods, both black campaigns, money politics and vilifying other couples during the Jakarta Pilkada campaign.

"I entrust it to all the supporters of the party pair 01 whom we respect, to obey what we have said and there should be no money politics in the campaign," said Ridwan Kamil.