Marak Kasus Bullying Di Sekolah, DPR Minta Perbanyak Event Tournament Dan Pensi

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission X DPR Dede Yusuf urged the school to be responsible for the bullying of high school students Binus Simprug, Jakarta. Commission X of the DPR also encourages the Government to increase programs or events for teenagers following the rise of bullying cases that occur in schools.

"I think Binus as a school must also be examined and there must be sanctions. For this reason, we ask the Ministry of Education and Culture to give warnings and sanctions to schools if they neglect bullying events in the school environment," said Dede Yusuf, Monday, September 23.

According to Dede, there are three factors that can cause bullying in the school environment. First, the school makes it something common or ordinary, the two anti-bullying task forces formed by Permendikbud are not working and thirdly there is a possibility that teachers or teaching staff there are afraid of their students.

"Well why are you afraid of students, this must be investigated whether it's due to economic factors, financial factors, position factors or whatever," he explained.

Regarding the form of sanctions, Dede handed it back to the Government to determine the best. However, it must be ensured that there is a deterrent effect in it so that cases of bullying in schools do not happen again in the future.

"The punishment can be an administrative form, it can also be in the form of a regulatory scale. I think this is the most appropriate, and what can be given is from the Government itself. Both the education office and the education ministry," explained Dede.

"The education office is in accordance with its main duties and functions, namely SMA, SMK is under the province. If the ministry is the supervisor of the overall education regulations. Maybe if there are no sanctions, this kind of bullying will be a recurring story that we hear," he continued.

In the context of bullying, according to Dede, the role of schools is very important. This is because based on data from the Federation of Indonesian Teachers' Unions (FSGI), cases of bullying in schools in 2023 increased from 21 cases in 2022 to 30 cases.

Of the 23 cases of bullying recorded by FSGI from January to September 2023, 50% occurred at the junior high school level, 23% at the elementary school level, 13.5% at the high school level, and 13.5% at the vocational school level.

Dede said schools must act decisively in overcoming the problem of bullying by evaluating the system. So that cases of bullying do not seem to be allowed by schools and become a recurring culture.

"Actually, bullying can occur because there may be omission from the school, but it is not reprimanded because it is considered part of culture," explained the legislator from the West Java II electoral district.

Dede also said that bullying is also often related to children who have superior complexes or children who feel they are dominant so that a sense of mastering school arises. He assessed that children's conditions like this should be anticipated with strengthened character education.

"The dissemination of the incident may be justification because there is no respect and respect. The independent system is learning and I think it needs to be re-evaluated," said Dede.

"When independent learning and children can be as independent as a result, the result is that they are not controlling and going too far. Because after all, independence is not independent, they can do anything. Independence is actually not overly charged but must be directed," he continued.

Dede highlighted how currently schools only prioritize intellectual education without balancing with emotional education. Even though children who have good emotions can increase good respect and ethics as well.

"I have often asked the Minister of Education and Culture during meetings related to the patterns and goals of the independent learning system, whether only IQ intelligence is prioritized or also emotional intelligence or EQ. I think this system must be reviewed because it has been five years running," explained Dede.

Dede reminded that evaluations are needed because bullying cases have continued to increase in recent years even though bullying occurs not only due to education factors in schools.

"The increase in bullying cases means something is wrong in the system. There can be three factors that need to be considered, first, education from parents who do not prioritize character, both the school environment and the three roles of teachers which may be reduced because they are busy with administrative matters," he explained.

In the end, Dede said, respect and respect for students for teachers is decreasing. With a lack of respect for the teacher, students are not afraid to do things outside the limits, including bullying their friends.

"Students think teachers are only school officials who have been paid their payment so they are not appreciated," said Dede.

Therefore, Dede again encouraged the education of student character to be improved, one of which was through extracurricular activities. In addition, he also suggested that student activities outside the room be increased so that the maximum motor function or child energy is devoted to positive things.

"Yes, this character education is carried out in collaboration between parents, teachers and the school," he said.

"Schools can revive exports like Scouts, but Scouts must have activities outside their room not only about clothes, the point is to maximize outdoor activities so that they can form good character education," added Dede.

Dede also assessed that the Government can maximize programs for school children outside of student regular learning, especially for teenagers because in addition to channeling energy to positive things, this can also maximize the role of the younger generation.

"The state continues to concentrate that children need their large energy outlets through positive outdoor activities, when there is no activity they run out hanging out and cause bullying," said the former Deputy Deputy Governor of West Java.

Dede reminded that there are many educational budgets spread across various ministries, especially in terms of coaching for the younger generation. Not only in the Ministry of Education and Culture, but also in the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora), the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (Kemen-PPA), and the Ministry of Religion.

"What I see, finally any budgets that all ministries have are only internal festivals or just glorification from the ministry itself. Even though what we need is spending budgets for the community," explained Dede.

The leadership of the Commission in the DPR in charge of education and youth matters assessed that youth activities or events for students were needed. According to Dede, currently, activities for the younger generation such as inter-school turnemen are rarely available.

"Activities like tournaments between schools first, right. Competitions don't have to be just for outstanding athletes, they can be done between schools. We can take advantage of the ministry's budget, so don't just create internal festivals," he said.

According to Dede, the focus on fostering school children outside the classroom must be increased. The hope is that children can channel their energy and free time to positive things, and can even develop talents and achievements.

"Well, if we want to focus on coaching, this youth activity must be more active in positive things such as sports competitions, skill competitions, and art performances (pensi) like before," said Dede.

"So they play on the pitch, the music studio is full. And children will focus on finding their identity for positive activities. Now it's rare, finally running to the online," he continued.

Furthermore, Dede also encouraged the Government to prioritize the provision of open public space for school children from various levels. This is important considering that people now have difficulty getting open space facilities for activities, where open public space can be very useful for children's growth and development.

"Now sometimes parks are used as malls and housing, so there is no public space, people can gather for chatting. This should be increased," concluded Dede.