Prediction Of The 2024 Rainy Season: When Will It Start And What Will The Impact Be?

The rainy season is one of the periods that many parties have been waiting for, especially in Indonesia which has a tropical climate. Not only important for agricultural areas, but the rainy season also has the ability to cause disasters such as floods, landslides, and disease. Entering this year, the prediction of the 2024 rainy season and how the impact will be an important topic for the community, government, and various sectors.

The General Pattern Of The Rainy Season In Indonesia

Indonesia is a country located in the tropics, so it has 2 main seasons: the dry season and the rainy season. The rainy season generally lasts between October to March, with peaks in December and January. However, the arrival times and intensity of the rainy season are not always the same every year. These alternatives are influenced by various aspects of various aspects of sea surface temperature conditions, wind, and global climate phenomena such as El fire and La Ni Islam.

One of the main aspects that affect the rainy season is the global climate phenomenon that takes place in the Pacific Ocean. When it occurs that El airs, Indonesia tends to experience a longer and drier dry dry dry dry season. In contrast, when La Ni beautiful, the rainfall in Indonesia increases, which causes an earlier and more intense rainy season.

The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) plays an important role in providing weather and climate predictions in Indonesia, including the rainy season. Sourced from the latest analysis, the rainy season in most parts of Indonesia in 2024 is expected to start between October and November, with areas in the western part, such as Sumatra and Java, which will experience rain earlier than the eastern region.

According to the BMKG, global climate conditions in 2024 are also expected to be in a neutral state, meaning that there is no dominant El airfall phenomenon or La Ni fire. However, extreme weather is always possible due to continued climate change. The intensity of rain in 2024 is expected to be normal, but some areas can experience heavier rain than generally because of the wind turnover pattern and the warm sea surface temperature around Indonesia.

The Potential Impact Of The 2024 Rainy Season

The rainy season always brings several various consequences, either positive or negative, depending on the region and community readiness. Here are some potential impacts from the 2024 rainy season:

Anticipate And Preparedness For Rainy Seasons

The government and the community need to implement various anticipatory steps to reduce the negative impact of the rainy season. Here are some efforts that can be tried:

Talking about the rainy season, on the other hand, currently NTB is starting to enter the Peak of the Dry Season.

So after knowing the predictions of the 2024 rainy season, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!