Pram-Rano, RK-Susowono, And Dharma-Kun Will Be Guarded By 40 Police During The Jakarta Gubernatorial Election

JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya has prepared personnel who will be assigned to escort the candidates for governor and deputy governor in the 2024 Jakarta regional elections (Pilkada). In total there are 120 personnel divided into three pairs of candidates (paslon).

Director of Samapta Polda Mentro Jaya, Police Commissioner Ahmad Zainudin said that each pair of Candidates for Governors of DKI Jakarta will receive VVIP escorts. Where each pair of candidates will receive 40 security personnel.

"Dibagi tiga (paslon) berarti 40, 40 itu saja. 40 orang perpaslon saja. Terdiri dari Perwira, Walpri, dan ini ada tim advance, ada tim pengawasan," ujarnya saat konferensi pers di Kantor KPU DKI Jakarta, Minggu, 22 September.

Ahmad Zainudin admitted that he had coordinated regarding this matter with the three existing candidate pairs. Be it candidate pair Pramono Anung-Rano Karno, Ridwan Kamil- Suswono, and Dharma Pongrekun-Kun Wardana.

"Yes, we handed it over everything, they already understand and understand. Then how to use it. Today they are also given their duties and responsibilities. Because if for example they don't worry randomly, so members don't know where they are, just today announce it," he said.

Furthermore, Ahmad Zainudin said that the members of Koprs Bhayangkra who were chosen to guard the three candidate pairs were trained personnel. They have also been tasked with helping secure President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

"Yes, the security of VVIP, including the president of all kinds, he was chosen as well. So if there are special security they are also from Brimob, from Samapta there is, intelligence also exists," he said.