Rivan Kurniawan Achieves Investment Advisor Business Permit From OJK

JAKARTA - Investment Advisor Business Permits from the OJK provide legitimacy in providing investment advisory services based on investment principles that are safe, healthy, and in accordance with the risk profile and investment objectives.

This business license is useful as a form of protection for the community to avoid offers or the lure of fraudulent investments.

The Financial Services Authority (OJK) is based on Decree No. KEP-2/PM.021/PI/2024 granting business licenses as Investment Advisors to a leading investor and practitioner in the capital market, namely Rivan Kurniawan.

"I hope that with the investment advisory business license from the OJK, it can help more capital market investors to achieve their investment goals", said Rivan Kurniawan.

This Investment Advisory business license from the OJK is an important milestone in the career journey of Rivan Kurniawan, known as the Indonesian Capital Market Practitioner since 2016.

This also marks a significant step in providing a sense of security to investors who have joined as members.

This includes being able to improve quality investment advisory services to investors.

This Investment Advisory Business License does not only emphasize competence and expertise in the field of stock investment.

However, it also shows that the service commitments provided meet high standards of professionalism and integrity in the capital market.

With the issuance of an Investment Advisory Business License from the Financial Services Authority, he has official authority to be able to provide investment advisory services based on in-depth analysis and detailed market knowledge.

Investors will also receive direct guidance and advisory service from Rivan Kurniawan, as well as a portfolio of investors will also be monitored directly so that the investment portfolio can provide optimal returns.

Rivan Kurniawan added that the preparation of the portfolio uses the Value Investing approach, by prioritizing the Company's Fundamental Analysis, Intrinsic Value, and Potential Company Growth in the future.

Rivan Kurniawan also combines the Top Down and Bottom Up Approach approach in carrying out his investment strategy.

Top Down's approach is to identify potential sectors, thereby adjusting to economic conditions. Meanwhile, the Bottom Up Approach is to identify Companies that can provide investment opportunities.