At The Same Time, Three Houses In Sukabumi Burned In Different Locations

JAKARTA - Sukabumi City Firefighters, West Java, managed to extinguish the fire in three different locations at the same time, Saturday, between 18.00 and 19.00 WIB.

Information from the Sukabumi City Disaster Management Task Force for the Regional Disaster Management Agency (Satgas PB BPBD) said the fire occurred in Kampung Pangkalan, Jeruk Nyelap Street, Situmekar Village, Lembursitu District. Jalan Pasundan, Gang Dahlia, Nyomplong Village, and Jalan Cemerlang, Sukakarya Village, Warudoyong District.

"All fire incidents have been successfully handled by firefighters assisted by the Sukabumi City BPBD PB Task Force," said Head of the Fire Department of the Sukabumi City Civil Service Police Unit and Fire Department Ujang Rustandi, Sunday, September 22.

According to Ujang, this fire did not cause any casualties, but the owner of the house who suffered a fire in Nyomplong Village suffered minor injuries to his hand and had been rushed to R Syamsudin SH Hospital, Sukabumi City.

Meanwhile, the trigger for the fire occurred in the police investigation and for the value of the loss, his party is still conducting assessments or data collection, both in terms of the number of damaged or affected houses and property belonging to survivors who were not rescued.

Five fire engines were deployed to extinguish the fire. The fire fighting effort was also assisted by Sukabumi Regency firefighters to reduce its impact.

It took on average two hours to extinguish the fire until cooling. Currently firefighters are still at the location to ensure no coal or hotspots are still on.

On the other hand, Ujang appealed to residents not to carry out activities that could trigger fires, especially when the weather conditions are hot and dry as they are today due to the absence of rain in the last few days, the potential for fires is quite high.

Anticipation must also be done, such as always checking the condition of the stove whether it has been turned off or not, either when it is about to sleep or leave the house. Ensure that the electrical installation is safe and does not accumulate electricity networks that can trigger an electrical short circuit.

No less important, when burning garbage, it must be monitored and prepare fire extinguishers to control the fire, and not to open the land by burning.