Ministry Of Energy And Mineral Resources: Three Types Of Cooperation In Technology Optimizes Indonesian Oil And Gas Production

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) said that currently there are three collaborations in the technology sector that are being carried out by the government to optimize oil and gas (oil and gas) production in the country.

Director of Upstream Oil and Gas Business Development Ariana Soemanto in Jakarta, Saturday, September 21, explained that the three collaborations included Pertamina's Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) in the Rokan Block, especially the Minas field, Petrochina in the Rokan Block, as well as cooperation with Sinopec in five potential Pertamina fields.

"Following up on the ICEF meeting and technical discussions, Pertamina cooperatively opened a space for cooperation in optimizing production with Partners. The plan is for the Minas area-F field to be explored by Pertamina's operational cooperation (KSO) with Petrochina," he said, quoted from Antara.

Ariana said, for the initial stage of EOR Pertamina in Minas area-A, it is targeted to start chemical injection next year. Meanwhile, the full scale production in Minas area-B to area-E is planned to start production in 2030.

Meanwhile, in collaboration in the five potential Pertamina fields located in Rantau, Jirak, Tanjung, Pamusian, and airshed, the technical team from his side conducted a technology evaluation to China last month.

Furthermore, his party also opened oil and gas data by Pertamina to Sinopec which is supported by ESDM and SKK Migas, and is currently exploring incentives for EOR.

"We are starting to design together between ESDM and SKK Migas how the technical provisions are in order to encourage the implementation of EOR to be more attractive," said Ariana.

Previously, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Bahlil Lahadalia stated that his party had prepared three strategies to reduce the portion of national oil and gas import (oil and gas) spending, considering that Indonesia's potential mineral resources were still large.

This strategy, among others, is the optimization of petroleum production with technology, reactivation of unemployed wells (idle), and conducting oil and gas exploration, especially in Eastern Indonesia.