Beware Of Frauds In The Name Of DGT

The Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) of the Ministry of Finance appealed to the public to be aware of the new mode of fraud on behalf of the DGT.

Director of Counseling, Services, and Public Relations of the Ministry of Finance Dwi Astuti explained that this mode was carried out by parties pretending to be DGT employees and then communicating with taxpayers.

"Communication is done by sending messages via electronic mail and online messages. The content of the communication is conveying a message that there is a tax bill on behalf of the taxpayer," said Dwi in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Saturday, September 21.

Regarding the bill, the fraudster asked the taxpayer to settle his arrears through a fraud by sending some money. Dwi asked the public not to be deceived by this mode.

"Tax arrears are only made to the state treasury through billing code payments, not to individual or institutional accounts," said Dwi.

Tax billing payments are made to the State Treasury account through the Independent Cash Pavilion (ATM), internet banking, EDC machines, mobile banking, branchless banking agents, or at the bank/perceptual counter.

In addition to this mode, other modes of fraud that are also developing in the community include phishing the official website of the DGT and sending files with increasing extension via WhatsApp or email.

If you receive a WhatsApp message, the public can check the whatsapp number on the official DGT website according to their respective Tax Service Offices (KPP). The links of all KPP can be seen in

Meanwhile, if you receive an appeal email, tax bill, or a tax-related link, make sure the email domain ends If the domain is not, then we make sure the email is not from the DGT," added Dwi.

Meanwhile, if you receive a message containing a file that has the potential to appear and on behalf of the DGT, please ignore it. Dwi emphasized that DGT has never sent a public extension file.

Likewise, if you receive a message containing a link other than the end of, Dwi asks the public to ignore the message because DGT has never sent a site link other than the end of

For people who find indications of message fraud or information on behalf of DGT, the public can contact the DGT complaint channel via Kring Tax 1500200, fascsimile (021) 5251245, complaint email, social media X @kring_pajak, complaint, and live chat

DGT also asks the public to always maintain the security and confidentiality of their data.