TMII Prepares The Running Sports Route With The Ecopark Concept As Far As 5 Km

JAKARTA - The Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) educational tourism area added special facilities for the TMII Running Club (TRC) in the East Jakarta area on Friday, September 20. The travel distance route provided by TMII is for sports facilities to run as far as 5 kilometers.

"Today is launching for the TRC (TMII Running Club). Today we will introduce the 5-kilo route. The goal is because we want to be one of the destinations for running sports. Because if you run in Taman Mini, the air is clean, you can travel throughout Indonesia, of course you are free from motorized vehicles," said TMII President Director, Intan Ayu Kartika told reporters.

The running marking route includes the starting point at Plaza Kori Agung through Archipelago Lake, Bird Park, the outside route and returning to Plaza Kori Agung. This Marking is expected to make it easier for new runners to determine the path and distance of 5 kilometers.

"So later it will pass through several platforms. It will pass through the freshwater lake, will pass through bird parks and several museums. Only Mini Park can offer all of them, compared to other places," he said.

This TRC is a forum for novice runners to professionals to be able to take advantage of sports facilities with the ecopark concept.

Meanwhile, the Director of Commercial TMII, Ratri Paramita, added that visitors who are members of the TRC will get a special annual pass for a year at a price of IDR 250 thousand per person.

"Usually annual pass tickets are sold at a price of Rp. 600 thousand per person, but from September 20 to September 30, it is only Rp. 250 thousand per person," said Ratri.

If you already have the right annual, runners and visitors can come to TMII at will. In fact, visitors offer a 10 percent discount for the purchase of a number of official merchandise items.