The Ministry Of Law And Human Rights Calls RI Invited By The United Nations To Convey Indonesia's Business And Human Rights Strategy

JAKARTA - Director General of Human Rights of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) Dhana Putra said Indonesia was invited back to the United Nations (UN) to convey the National Strategy (Stranas) Business and Human Rights.

"God willing, on November 25, we were invited back to the United Nations to convey about Indonesia's national business and human rights strategy," said Dhana in an online dialogue entitled, "The Establishment of Human Rights-Based Regulation Towards Golden Indonesia 2045" by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights BPHN, which was monitored from Jakarta, Friday, September 20, was confiscated by Antara.

Dhana is grateful that the United Nations has repeatedly invited Indonesia to explain this strategy.

Stranas Bisnis and HAM contains three main strategies, namely increasing understanding and capacity, developing regulations and policies, and strengthening the recovery mechanism for victims.

Dhana assessed that the implementation of human rights in the business world will have a positive impact on the business world in the country, because future global market developments will increasingly urge countries to implement human rights in business governance.

The implementation of human rights can be seen from the management of companies that are not only profit-oriented, but also respect the rights of employees, such as the right to get leave, a decent salary, and the right to rest.

"The environment of life must also be considered, such as pollution," said Dhana.

Dhana believes that taking into account the company's influence on the environment can have a positive impact on the business world in the country. He referred to the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) which is a challenge for the Indonesian government in exporting palm oil to Europe.

"The enactment of the Deforestation Law in the European Union has the potential to result in a loss (income) for Indonesia of Rp107 trillion," he said.

The implementation of the Business and Human Rights Stranas which requires companies to pay attention to environmental impacts is one of Indonesia's preparations to anticipate the impact of the EUDR.

"Right now, many countries want to know about Indonesia's strategy in the context of business and human rights," said Dhana.

Currently, the government is also encouraging the implementation of human rights in the business world by ratifying Presidential Regulation Number 60 of 2023 concerning Business and Human Rights Strategies.

The Directorate General of Human Rights is also building synergies and strengthening cooperation with various relevant ministries and institutions to provide guidance, training, and support to companies in adopting human rights principles contained in Presidential Regulation Number 60 of 2023 concerning Business and Human Rights Strategies.