How To Wash Your Nose And Steps You Can Do

YOGYAKARTA - The stuffy nose certainly causes discomfort in the sufferer. In addition to being treated with medical treatment, you can also use natural methods to treat the problem of nasal congestion. One of them is by washing the nose using a NaCl solution or a Saline solution.

Besides being effective, this method is also very safe so that it can be done by anyone, from children to the elderly. However, make sure you understand the right steps in doing so so that you can receive the benefits optimally.

The nose is part of an important respiratory tract. Every day, the nose inhales 10,000-15.000 liters of air.

In addition, this organ also breathes a lot of air containing pollutants, dust, viruses, and bacteria.

Therefore, it is important for you to protect yourself in the midst of air pollution in the capital city which has not had healthy quality for the body for a long time.

In addition, pollution can also cause the nose to become inflammatory and make the organ more dry.

Thus, air screening becomes not optimal and triggers dirt, dust, and a buildup of bacteria in the nose.

The buildup of dirt in the nose will make the nose stuffy or uncomfortable when a person breathes.

Therefore, you need to wash your nose in order to feel the various benefits, including:

Before you clean your nose with this liquid, make sure you have washed your hands with soap and running water.

After that, you can start washing your nose by following the steps below:

First, provide a solution for NaCl that you want to use. In addition, don't forget to also provide a 10 cc spuit and a sterile container for you to use in the process of washing your nose.

Next, insert the liquid into the syringe slowly. Make sure the amount of liquid is in accordance with the needs you want to use.

Usually when washing the nose, the comfortable position is standing close to the sink or bathroom.

Then, position your head slightly tilted. You can tilt your head about 45 degrees to the right if you wash your left nostrils and vice versa. Next, open your mouth a little bit and hold your breath.

The next step, insert the spuit end into the nose you want to clean. Press slowly until the NaCl fluid runs out.

Then remove the liquid from both nostrils and clean the nose with a tissue. Repeat it for the other nose until you feel better.

After both your noses are cleaned, remove the air strongly through the nose. This is done so that the remaining dirt and mucus that appears on the nose can be cleaned.

Then, clean the remaining dirt and mucus that come out of the nose with dry tissue. Dispose of tissue marks and don't forget to wash your hands again with soap and running water.

That's the review of how to wash your nose and steps that can be done. Hopefully useful. Visit to get other interesting information.