Synergy Of Tarakan Prison With APH, Joint Raids And Urine Tests Implemented

TARAKAN - The Tarakan Class IIA Correctional Institution (Lapas) conducted a joint raid with Law Enforcement Officials (APH) from the TNI/POLRI and the Tarakan National City Narcotics Agency (BNNK). This activity includes the search of residential block rooms and urine tests for Correctional Inmates (WBP) as an effort to create a mobile, extortion and drug-free environment (Halinar).

The head of the Class IIA Tarakan Prison, Sutarno, explained that this activity is a form of synergy between prisons and APH in implementing the Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights (Permenkumham) Number 8 of 2024 concerning the Implementation of Security and Order in Prisons.

The activity began with a standby rally led by the Apple Trustees and was attended by structural prison officials, JFT officers, JFU, personnel from Kodim 0907/Trk, Tarakan Police, and Tarakan BNNK. The raid continued with a search of residential rooms and urine tests to ensure that no prohibited items could trigger security disturbances.

Kalapas Sutarno emphasized that this activity is an implementation of 3 Keys to Advanced Correctional which was launched by the Director General of Corrections (Dirjenpas), namely Early Detection, Drug Eradication, and Synergy between APH, coupled with the "Back to Basic" approach.

Focus On Zero Halinar

"This raid and urine test is part of our commitment to realize Tarakan Prison as a zone for Zero Cellphones, Extortion and Drugs (Halinar). With synergy with APH, we hope this activity can run smoothly, safely, and orderly," said Sutarno to reporters, Friday (20/9/2024).

After the rally was on standby, the raid continued with a search by a joint team that checked every corner of the residential room to ensure that no prohibited items could disrupt order in prisons.

As many as 30 prisoners, prisoners, and inmates, consisting of 27 men and 3 women, underwent urine tests. As a result, all inmates tested negative for narcotics abuse and illegal drugs.

Prison Security

Head of the Security and Order Administration Section (Minkamtib), Indra Wahyudi, appreciated the solid cooperation with APH in maintaining prison security. "We are perpendicular to our commitment to cleaning prisons from Halinar violations. We are also very open to coordinating with APH if there are indications of violations or security disturbances in Tarakan Prison," he said.

This activity is part of the efforts of the Tarakan Prison to continue to maintain security and order, as well as create a prison environment free from drugs.