Kindergarten For What Age? These Are The Rules And Markers

YOGYAKARTA - Actually kindergarten for what age? Kindergarten or Kindergarten is the first moment a child feels the first experience in the world of school. That is the reason, parents are obliged to ensure that children have the readiness to participate in various activities in kindergarten in order to get optimal growth and development and feel happy to learn. One of the benchmarks for maturity for children who are ready to attend school that can be seen is age.

Based on Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Number 1 of 2021, kindergarten is an early childhood education unit on formal education channels specifically for children aged 4 years to the age of 6. If children are already 4-6 years old, parents can prepare their children to enter their primary school.

Even so, age is certainly not the only benchmark for children who are ready to go to school. There are several skills or abilities that show that children are ready to enter kindergarten or Early Childhood Education (PAUD). Reporting from the page of the Penabur Christian Education Agency (BPK), below are a number of skills that mark children who are ready to enter kindergarten and parents can train them at home:

Kindergarten for what age? (Photo: Special)

By learning to wake up early, children will get used to their new skills in the form of discipline. So that children are not fussy when they wake up early, then the way that can be done is to take them to bed early. So, children will not feel less sleep hours and are also ready to go to school.

Another important skill that indicates that children are ready to enter kindergarten is independent attitude. Parents can train children's independence by getting used to self-adjoint rooms and also passing toilet training. The second skill, you can train your children to wear your own clothes. Third, train to open your own bottle of drinks or food.

One of the abilities that can be trained for your child is to dare to express their opinion. When children have started to dare to express their opinions in public, this will make it easier for them to interact with teachers, as well as their friends at school later. Parents can teach their little children good speech ethics to get used to talking later.

At the age of kindergarten, children's motor systems usually start to be trained. To be better prepared before starting their first school, parents can retrain their children's motor skills by teaching to open or close their own bags. Examples of motor training that help children get ready to enter kindergarten, for example using pencils, coloring, drawing, writing, and other exciting activities that can support improving children's motors. Thus, children become better prepared to start their school.

Basically, your child's best education will be obtained when the methods and learning systems in class match his learning style.

Therefore, before choosing the school to be entered, you should first know the baby's abilities and needs. This aims to ensure that children can undergo the learning process with pleasure without any pressure.

That's a review of the ideal age for children to enter kindergarten or kindergarten. Visit to get other interesting information.