Protect Your Loved Ones From COVID-19 Through The PeduliL Protect Application

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) has released a monitoring application for the spread of COVID-19. This application, called PeduliL Protect, can be downloaded by Andorid users on the Google Play Store.

In this application, not only Kominfo, a number of ministries and institutions related to the handling of the corona virus pandemic also participated. The PeduliLindung application was developed to monitor the spread of the corona virus through tracing, tracking and fencing methods.

As is known, this application is intended to protect its users from possible transmission from corona positive patients, both in ODP (People Under Monitoring) and PDP (Patients Under Supervision), including people who do not show symptoms of COVID-19.

This application is not only reserved for people in the surveillance category only. The general public who do not have symptoms of COVID-19 can also install the PeduliL Protects application as a precautionary measure and participate in protecting those around them.

Broadly speaking, this application does not take up a large enough capacity when activated, only about 6.7 MB of the cellphone memory used. When it is installed, you will be prompted to fill in your full name along with an active cellphone number, then this application will send an SMS OTP for verification.

After the phone number is verified, you are asked to activate Bluetooth and Service Location, this is useful so that Kominfo can trace, track and fencing yourself. No need to worry about running out of cellphone battery power, because the PeduliL Protect application will ask you to turn on Power Saving mode, meaning you can save power while using this application.

Screenshot of the PeduliL Protect app homepage (Tachta Citra Elfira / VOI)

The display when we open the PeduliL Protect application, there is a short message that appears on the main tab, namely "Make sure that PeduliL Protect is active when you are traveling and are in public facilities such as on buses, trains, during meetings or in the center of a crowd."

The notification tab on the cellphone is also given a warning if the notification is lost, you need to restart the cellphone then re-open the PeduliL Protect application, it will automatically reconnect.

Then how does this application work on your device? PeduliProtect uses the data produced by your Bluetooth-enabled smartphone to record the information it needs. When there are other gadgets within the Bluetooth radius that are also listed on PeduliL Protects, an anonymous exchange will occur which will be recorded by each device.

PeduliLindung will then identify people who have been in close proximity with a positive patient with COVID-19 or PDP and ODP. Of course this application will be very helpful when you do not remember your travel history and whoever made contact. Later, you will be contacted by health workers if you have been within a certain distance with sufferers of COVID-19, PDP and ODP.