How WhatsApp And GPT Make Customer Services Easier And Efficient

JAKARTA - In a business world that is increasingly competitive, speed and efficiency in responding to customers is the key to maintaining their loyalty and satisfaction. WhatsApp, as one of the most popular instant messaging applications, has long been a major means of communication between business and customers. Now, with WhatsApp integration and Creative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) technology through the platform, businesses can provide more responsive and personal services, bringing customer experience to the next level.

Nathaniel, CEO of PT Tap Talk Teknologi, revealed that this integration is designed to help businesses in providing quick and appropriate responses to customers. By combining WhatsApp and GPT, we provide solutions for companies that want to accelerate responses without compromising the quality of their interactions with customers. This is a step forward in more modern and effective customer service," said fire. offers the ability to connect WhatsApp with GPT, a very sophisticated artificial intelligence technology. GPT has the ability to understand and respond to conversations with customers automatically. This means that businesses no longer have to rely fully on customer service teams for any customer request. The response time is much faster, while customers still receive relevant and informative answers.

More than just speed, GPT also offers the ability to provide a more personal response and suit the customer's needs. This technology can be programmed to understand the customer's context and preferences, so that every answer provided feels more relevant and satisfying. For example, when a customer asks about a particular product, the GPT can provide detailed information, purchase suggestions, or direct order status.

The ease of using this integration is also one of the main advantages offered by According to My Friend, We understand that every business has a unique need, and that's why we designed this integration so that it can be used easily by various types of companies. With simple measures, businesses can immediately start using automated services on their WhatsApp.

This integration also opens up great opportunities for businesses that want to provide 24-7 customer service. With GPTs ready to respond at any time, companies can ensure that customers always get the help they need, even outside of working hours. This is certainly very profitable for companies operating in various time zones or owning international customers.

The benefits of this integration are not only felt by the customer service team, but also by the entire organization. By automating most of the routine interactions, the team can focus more on more complex and strategic problems. This allows companies to optimize their resources, increase productivity, and eventually, provide better service to customers.

With all the benefits offered, integration between WhatsApp and GPT through is an ideal choice for companies that want to develop their customer service. This combination not only answers daily operational needs, but also helps companies achieve higher service standards, providing competitive advantages in increasingly demanding markets.