How To Rent A Motorbike In Thailand, Terms, And Prices

YOGYAKARTA Motorcycle rentals in Thailand are highly recommended, especially for tourists from Indonesia who want to go around while enjoying the scenery during holidays in the country. In this country, there are many private vehicle rentals, including motorbikes. Regarding how to rent motorbikes in Thailand, it is actually not much different from the procedures implemented in Indonesia.

Rental motor di Thailand hanya butuh beberapa menit saja karena prosedurnya tidak terlalu panjang asal syarat yang diminta sudah disiapkan. Berikut ini tata cara sewa sepeda motor di Thailand.

The first thing to do is visit a trusted motorcycle rental place. This step is taken to avoid fraudulent practices that may occur. You can find a place to rent Thai motorcycles via Google Maps or via the internet. Usually rental agents work near public facilities such as airports or stations.

Renants will be asked to fill out the available form and attach the required documents. The form that must be filled is usually in the form of personal data and other information related to rental, such as the duration of the rental to the purpose of driving.

Several documents will be requested by Thai motorcycle rental service providers such as identity cards to driving licenses.

Several Thai motorcycle rentals also require tenants to deposit some money as a form of security guarantee. No need to worry because later the deposit money will be handed over to you when returning the unit.

It is recommended to record videos of the condition of the motorcycle. Take videos in the smallest parts to ensure that the condition of the motorcycle when taken and returned is the same without any damage.

Don't forget to ask for vehicle documents and driving equipment such as helmets to be worn while using the rental motorbike.

Renants will be asked to submit a down payment according to the total rental price. Each rental has a nominal DP that must be paid so you have to ask how much DP is needed.

It must be noted that the currency used in Thailand is Baht Thai. Indonesian tourists must exchange rupiah currency into Baht Thai (TBH) so that it can be used as a motorcycle rental payment.

Reporting from Thailand Holiday Group, the rental price for Thai motorbikes is calculated per hour or per day as needed. However, the average per emotion is THB 150 to THB 300 or around Rp68,675 to Rp137,351. Prices can change depending on many factors, one of which is the holiday moment because many people will come to the country on the grounds that the best time is vacation to Thailand.

That's information regarding how to rent a motorbike in Thailand. Visit to get other interesting information.