Examples Of Argumentation Text In Indonesian, Complete With Writing Structure

YOGYAKARTA - In Indonesian there is a type of argumentation text. Understanding and examples of argumentation texts are very important to understand as an Indonesian language insight and so that they can prepare writing properly and correctly.

Quoting from the book Text Arguments written by Rosmawati Harahap, the argumentation text is reading which contains paragraph development with reading content for the purpose of convincing or persuading readers.

The author of this argumentative text is usually so that readers have the same thoughts or perspective as the author. In order to understand more clearly, let's look at the examples of the arguments text that will be presented below.

The argumentation text is a type of writing created with the aim of convincing the reader of an opinion or idea. In writing this text, the author will show strong arguments or reasons to support his opinion. The author may include data or facts relevant to his argumentation.

While the structure of the argumentation text is divided into 3 parts, namely the introduction, the argument body, and the conclusion. The following is an explanation of the structure of the argumentation text:

Preliminary: The introduction includes a brief and clear explanation of the issues or issues that will be discussed. To attract readers to keep reading until the end, this section needs to be written in an interesting way.

The Argument Agency / Main Governor: In this section, the author presents data or research results in a structured and systematic manner, so that readers can easily understand the arguments presented.

Conclusion: Conclusion summarizes the content of argumentation text briefly, clearly, and logically so that readers can understand the arguments well. In this section, the author conveys convincing reasoning to ensure the entire argument is summarized appropriately.

The following are a number of examples of arguments, referring to the book Text Argumentation by Rosmawati Harahap, Mansyur M's Indonesian Language Teaching Material, and other sources.

An introduction

The existence of a pandemic not only has an impact on physical health, but also has an effect on people's mental health.

Especially when people are required to limit their activities in a new normal period. This condition is exacerbated by the impact of the social economy felt by the community.

Economic conditions affected by the pandemic lead to many layoffs, financial problems, and work. The future becomes more uncertain due to difficult situations. This can threaten people's mental health.

Argument Body

In a seminar at ITB, dr. Teddy said that 1 in 4 people had mental disorders and there were at least more than 11 million people experiencing depression. However, only 9 percent have been handled.

The existence of a pandemic causes panic and has the potential to cause depression. Based on research, after 1 month of the pandemic, 47 percent of students felt depressed.

This problem needs to be addressed immediately. One of them is by knowing the characteristics of mental disorders. Among them, changes in sleep patterns, difficulty concentrating, stress and boredom arises, and so on.

An introduction

Even though Indonesia has the most islands and various ethnic groups, there are still areas that are difficult to reach by modern progress and adequate education systems.

Argument Body

For example, in Papua, which is Indonesia's easternmost island, educational facilities are still limited due to difficult access to transportation and the lack of adequate teaching staff.

This fact can be seen in the number of public elementary schools in Papua Province which only reached around 1,627 schools. This figure does not even reach half of the total number of elementary schools in DKI Jakarta, which reached 2,951 schools.

This significant educational gap makes Papua Province still far behind compared to big cities in Indonesia.

An introduction

Cassava rice or cassava flour has become an alternative food that has become increasingly popular in recent years.

Although not from rice plants, cassava rice has a number of advantages that make it worth considering as a sustainable and varied food source.

Argument Body

Here are some reasons why cassava rice is a good choice that can be an alternative food:

1) Food Diversity

Cassava rice brings food diversity, which is important to overcome dependence on rice and reduce the risk of food instability.

Diversification of food sources can help overcome the problem of food shortages and improve people's welfare.

2) Availability of Plants

Cassava plants can grow in different climate and soil conditions. This makes it easier to grow and more resistant to weather fluctuations or drought, when compared to rice plants that need water more.

3) Nutrition and Content of Fiber

Cassava rice is rich in complex carbohydrates and fiber, which plays a role in providing stable energy and maintaining digestive health.

Fiber content also helps control blood sugar levels and maintain healthy weight. Cassava plants can grow in different climate and soil conditions.

4) Gluten-Free

Unlike rice, cassava rice does not contain gluten.

This makes it a good choice for those who avoid gluten, such as celiac sufferers or those with gluten sensitivity.

5) Affordable Prices

Cassava Flour is often more affordable than rice. This can help people who have economic limitations to get sufficient food sources.

6) Potential Development of Processed Products:

Cassava rice can be processed into various types of food, such as cakes, bread, noodles, and snacks. This potential opens up opportunities for the local food industry and diversifies food consumption.


However, although cassava rice has many advantages, there are several things that need to be considered. It is important to ensure that cassava rice production is sustainable and does not damage the environment.

In addition, an educational approach is needed so that people can get to know and make good use of cassava rice.

Overall, cassava rice is an attractive food alternative and has the potential to have a positive impact on food availability, food resources, and community welfare.

Those are examples of argumentary text that need to be understood for Indonesian language insight. Understanding argumentation text is also very important to train the ability to write opinions, opinions, or ideas. Also read what non-fictional text, understanding and examples are.

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